My English Is Better Now

@else34 (13517)
New Delhi, India
July 13, 2017 7:46am CST
Friends, we all are on mylot.Our mother tongues are different.Here we use English to interact with each other. Do you feel mylot has helped you improve your writing skills in English? I feel so.English is not my mother tongue.I learned English at school,but mylot is the only platform where I first tried to express myself in this foreign language. What about you? Do you feel mylot has improved your English?
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10 responses
@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
13 Jul 17
Yes definitely helping me to improve my written skills.
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
13 Jul 17
@Nawsheen I think,mylot helps us improve our knowledge of the language because here we use English practically.We chat in this language and gradually our writing skills get better.
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@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
13 Jul 17
@else34 Yes I agree. I can even say that I have learnt some new words
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
13 Jul 17
@Nawsheen Myself either.Mylot has added to my vocabulary.I have learned many new words,phrases and idioms here.
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@shikharava (1838)
13 Jul 17
English is nobody's mother's tongue (pun intended). It is just a medium of conversation. We don't speak English right after our birth, or any other language for that matter. The first syllable that a baby utters is maa, which is universal to every language. It can never be narrowed down to being a mother tongue. You could say that English is not your native lingo. And that x language is our native lingo. Well, mylot is a place to meet new people, irrespective of their languages or origin, and get on with them. English is a medium of conversation here, and what I mean by this is that, here, you see we're using a common language that's convenient to express ourselves. English being taught almost worldwide as the preferred language of communication and spoken by the many countries in the West (European Union included) as a native language, becomes indispensable. So, here we are: conversing in as much english as possible. :)
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
13 Jul 17
@shikharava All I asked is whether you feel,as I do,that using mylot has improved your writing skills in English.We all know very well that we have to use only one language on mylot and that language is English.
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
13 Jul 17
@shikharava No,my friend,I don't feel offended.There's nothing rude or offending in your response.But I'm so sorry to differ, to me English is a foreign language.We don't use it in our day to day life,and,honestly speaking,I can't express myself as impressively as I can in my mother tongue,HindI. Nobody speaks English in my family or friends circle or market.My friends prefer to use their mother tongues or HindI wherever they go....I respect your views, but am so sorry to disagree.
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13 Jul 17
@else34 did my comment offend you, dear? I'm sorry if it did. I only said that you should not call English a mother tongue. You should call it a native language. That's why such a long explanation. Don't mind it though, I can be quite stoic at times.:)
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@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
13 Jul 17
I feel mylot has helped me to write my post better as i know how to use certain phrases etc. My grammar was not at all perfect. I am glad to hear mylot has helped your english learning better and hope it continues to succeed.
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@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
14 Jul 17
@Marty1 yeah i see that also. I do my best though and to me i don't think my post our written that bad.
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@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
15 Jul 17
@Marty1 Yeah i saw today is pay day on here which i got paid so I'm happy. This is a site i go to for fun when I have nothing else going on. I get paid from my real job so this is just an added bonus. Aww thanks for liking my post and comments. I don't get alot of responses on my post at times but i am ok with that. I don't always have time to be here every day but i do try my best. Work gets in the way sometimes.
@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
15 Jul 17
@Blondie2222 I don't use grammar checker,but commit less grammatical errors.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
18 Jul 17
Oh yes, the writing sites have improved my written ENglish a lot. I improved a lot in terms of my usage of English in writing sites.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
19 Jul 17
@else34 didn't you join the defunct Bubblews before?
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
19 Jul 17
@SIMPLYD Yes,I was on Bubblews and was very active.
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
18 Jul 17
@SIMPLYD Exactly.But if I find my knowledge of English.I much more improved,the credit goes to mylot only.
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@vsai2008 (11796)
• India
13 Jul 17
Yes, my sentences are getting better every day :)
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
14 Jul 17
@vsai2008 My experience has been the same too.
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
14 Jul 17
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@vsai2008 (11796)
• India
14 Jul 17
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@dollaboy (6048)
21 Jul 17
Happy for you Jaishankar
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
21 Jul 17
@dollar oyster Thanks.I'm so glad to have you as my friend.
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
22 Jul 17
@dollaboy You are most welcome,dear.
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@dollaboy (6048)
21 Jul 17
@else34 thanks fella
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@quantum2020 (12040)
• Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico
15 Jul 17
My mother language is Spanish and interacting in Mylot has helped me enhance my English speaking abilities
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
16 Jul 17
@quantum2020 That's exactly what I have experienced after joining mylot.Here we never speak,but our Englistening speaking skills get improved.
@Raj7779 (3657)
• Canada
13 Jul 17
yes obviously,when i was new here my English was also poor but i have also keep going on and i try to make new discussion as far as possible and now i also feeling like you and it's all because of MYLOT. and i also want to tell huge thank you to all mylot members because they also give us support to grow our skill.
@peachpurple (13889)
• Malaysia
13 Jul 17
Yes, it has and I learned to type faster with less mistakes too. Do not require grammar checker anymore
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
13 Jul 17
@peachpurple That's exactly what I have gained here.I can now type faster and commit less grammatical mistakes.
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@peachpurple (13889)
• Malaysia
15 Jul 17
@Marty1 heh, heh
@Neiltarquin (1062)
• Rass, Saudi Arabia
13 Jul 17
English is not my 1st language but I think I can express myself quite well in that language.