I'd rather be killjoy...

@TriniTU (141)
August 7, 2017 5:14am CST
I don't understand how people spent thousands or million over fireworks! Ok..it is beautiful to look at or watch yes,but I'm still not a fan of it. I prefer lantern still..you spend money over fireworks while a lot of people hunger/starved..some are homeless..some are sick without money to pay for hospital bills..yet,some spend money over fireworks!! what else can it do? Entertain us for an hour or so..pollute the air for who knows how long..we could just lit lanterns, candles.. yeah..so killjoy huh..but I'd rather be killjoy than kill this Earth..
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7 responses
@dollaboy (6048)
7 Aug 17
Yeah looks like people like to set fire on there hard earned money
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@TriniTU (141)
• Philippines
10 Aug 17
Sort of maybe...
@TriniTU (141)
• Philippines
10 Aug 17
Very strange mindset for me..
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@dollaboy (6048)
10 Aug 17
@TriniTU even i like to laugh at them
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@Courtlynn (67032)
• United States
7 Aug 17
I'd rather "kill the earth" for an hour 2 times a year.
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@TriniTU (141)
• Philippines
10 Aug 17
Well..thats you and respected...
@Courtlynn (67032)
• United States
10 Aug 17
@TriniTU me and others but its okay. Evetyone has their opinions and likes
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
8 Aug 17
I see your point but lighting up fireworks brings a different kind of join that money in itself cannot buy.
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@yanzalong (18982)
• Indonesia
12 Aug 17
I don't fancy looking at fireworks either. I prefer quietness.
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@TriniTU (141)
• Philippines
12 Aug 17
oh,thank you..i prefer watching a candle burning instead..real quiet and therapeutic....
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• Philippines
7 Aug 17
It's their choice and how to spent their money with. But with Duterte as President I think he may have forbade us to use fire works in his term.
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@TriniTU (141)
• Philippines
10 Aug 17
I certainly wish he would...
@marlina (154156)
• Canada
7 Aug 17
Never understood spending all that money on fireworks either.
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@TriniTU (141)
• Philippines
10 Aug 17
Yah right? They light worth a million while some beg for even just a penny..or a cent..
• Japan
7 Aug 17
I like to see a few fireworks, but in Japan they do fireworks every Saturday and Sunday night of August. That is a bit much in my opinion.
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