Which Coin To Consider Worth Keeping Aside From BTC?

sample photo of altcoin trading
August 14, 2017 6:04am CST
There would be a lot to consider nowadays, actually! It is up to us what we think is going to be the most profitable once we bought few certain amounts from each of these rising altcoins.. It is not actually a race whether which coin is going to be the NEXT btc-like value the fastest! We have been here in this industry for quite sometime now and I am sure we have already made the most out of what' BITCOIN is giving us. Let's just slow down a bit and look at these things happening from afar and we'll know what's the best thing to do! I happen to earn a lot from Forex but using crypto-currency and not using any Fiat! I always see to it that My last trade is going to be the same again if I either win or lose!
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7 responses
@AkoPinay (11544)
• Philippines
14 Aug 17
I earn from BURST and AMP last year. I heard that EOS is good too but I only buy/sell altcoins at Poloniex.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
20 Aug 17
Hello there AMP Girl! Thank you for the response! Sorry took me long to do so. I have earned quite a lot from other coins. Well in digital coin trading, your last trade is not going to be the same trade ever again but then at least you learn from it. Either it is a flip or a flop! Hehehehe! Keep it up! Well just to give an insight, BCH or the byproduct of BTC Hard Fork is really soaring high nowadays! You may also want to see it for yourself on Polo or in Bittrex. The price soared 300% in the past few days making it hit its all-time-high of $1,043.00 ^_^
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@AkoPinay (11544)
• Philippines
20 Aug 17
@aaronfyzeon the last time I checked BCC/BCH was not available at Poloniex yet. I have Bitfinex account but maybe I'll buy later
• Philippines
23 Aug 17
@AkoPinay from a thousand dollars earlier now it is already under $700 but still it soared high!
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• Philippines
14 Aug 17
I havent seen you for a long while but bitcoin is something I'm not ready for yet.
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@AkoPinay (11544)
• Philippines
23 Aug 17
@aaronfyzeon true. I mostly use Bitcoin as PayPal alternative. Bitcoin is much CHEAPER & FASTER so why ignore this big advantage. @Letranknight2015 you are losing the opportunity to become a billionaire
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
15 Aug 17
I mainly stick to bitcoin but I have I'm keeping an eye on a couple other ones.
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
20 Aug 17
@aaronfyzeon I'd like to hear your suggestion about what other cryptocurrency can I purchase?
• Philippines
24 Aug 17
@allen0187 Right now the most promising one is BQ or BitQy Coins! It is already live on the Market Cap with a promising surge of $0.07 from $0.05 value yesterday! Ether is a bit expensive now for a starter or a newbie in this business. Blackcoin is also promising. Ripple is must-have! It will have its own "blockchain" in the near future.
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• Philippines
20 Aug 17
Yes it is really good to stick with the mother of all coins which is Bitcoin itself. But we should also not put all the eggs into one basket so we are all looking for a much feasible coins to be really profitable as well. Keep it up! Stay tuned ^_^
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• Baguio, Philippines
15 Sep 17
That's awesome... trading using bitcoins...:)
@skysnap (20153)
16 Aug 17
Ether and Ripple seems to be worth investing into.
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• Philippines
20 Aug 17
Ripple is really going to hit its mark because it has its own platform or gateway in the near future. Since Ripple will be the banks mode of transfer in the near future, (Citibank has adopted it) There would be more banks that will do the same as what Citibank has done.
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@sabtraversa (13401)
• Italy
14 Aug 17
I only make faucets, I don't win a lot, but I don't lose anything either. There are so many cryptocurrencies these days, that has become a mess. I wanted to go for Ethereum, but I have a hard time spelling the name. Not many working faucets around either. So I added a LTC faucet to the list.
• Philippines
20 Aug 17
Hello Sabrina! Great for you to try these super tedious form of Bitcoin earnings! I would suggest that you try some investment opportunities that are principal-back-guarantee after 24 hours of earning and being deposited. In this way, each of your investments will still be safe at a time being. And still be able to withdraw all funds after you have earned much from it. At this point, you can tell to yourself that you have earned and took a great risk and still won!
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@sabtraversa (13401)
• Italy
20 Aug 17
@aaronfyzeon I have about $50 worth of BTC now, and I'm not planning to convert it into dollars at the moment. I didn't think of investing because my funds are usually very low, I'd need a decent capital to get the best out of an investment.
• Philippines
23 Aug 17
@sabtraversa Hello there! Yes there seems to be a real big problem now with the fees incurred whenever we send or receive from other wallets for us to cash-out or invest in other sites. Thus a 50-dollar funds to be deposited will just consume most of the funds to the fees alone. This is the sad truth of crypto-currency now that it became popular.
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• Pakistan
7 Sep 17
I will go for Bitcoin cash... it's been doing great so far.