Future Education System

@fkm232 (109)
September 15, 2017 4:58pm CST
I would like to know from you audience. About the future technology and education system. as we see internet user's are growing day by day. do you think all over the world near future in SCHOOL'S theoretical text book will be E-TEXT BOOK. and how will it effect the world generation.
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6 responses
@cintol (11261)
• United States
16 Sep 17
Technology is already every where, kids are better at running computers than the adults are. My grand kids just shake their heads at me when they have to help me with something. lol
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@fkm232 (109)
18 Sep 17
hahhah :)
@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
15 Sep 17
Our kids don't have school books anymore. They do most of their work on computers. I think they should have books with pages.
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@prashu228 (37525)
• India
16 Sep 17
Online classes already started, and everything is online now. .even studies
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@jstory07 (135930)
• Roseburg, Oregon
15 Sep 17
It will ork good for the parents that will work with their kids. There will always be some who will not do anything with their kids.
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@Kosgey (1706)
18 Sep 17
I hope so. The future is e.learning , e.tutor,e.doctor and many more e's.
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@ara299 (17)
• Toronto, Ontario
18 Sep 17
i think E-TEXT BOOK would be the only thing usable by school and all form of education in no time, am sure lots of education system use it now just not all, the number is getting bigger, so yea i think in the near future we would see more of it.
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@fkm232 (109)
19 Sep 17
Yea thats true.
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