Does Lottery affect people daily life

@fkm232 (109)
September 16, 2017 11:18am CST
Sometime people win. but not everyone. :) The pleasure of thinking about what might happen if we'd suddenly won millions of dollars. While most players know they won't win
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11 responses
16 Sep 17
yes it can change the life of any people
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@fkm232 (109)
16 Sep 17
if you win ?
3 people like this
16 Sep 17
@fkm232 yes only if you win otherwise its a wastage
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@Scrapper88 (5983)
• United States
16 Sep 17
I do not buy any form of lottery tickets. I believe that the money can be spent on something else I need.
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@fkm232 (109)
16 Sep 17
i think that's a good idea
@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
16 Sep 17
I know I'll never win, unless I buy a lottery ticket anyway.
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@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
17 Sep 17
@fkm232 Imignt buy one just in case.
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@fkm232 (109)
16 Sep 17
hahah:) best of luck
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@fkm232 (109)
17 Sep 17
@RubyHawk who know may be you are the next winner.:)
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• Kuwait, Kuwait
16 Sep 17
Yes it does because only little probability that you will win. And you're wasting money.
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• Kuwait, Kuwait
16 Sep 17
@fkm232 Yeah, and come to think of it, that money is intended for something important but people wanted to double it by winning the lottery. And there goes their hard earned money.
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@fkm232 (109)
16 Sep 17
@markcanada27 yea that's true
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@fkm232 (109)
16 Sep 17
Everyday i see 99% people lose their money
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@Lizirazo (2390)
• United States
17 Sep 17
I don't buy into the idea. It's either a win or loose, l won't dare take such chances.
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@Lizirazo (2390)
• United States
17 Sep 17
@fkm232 Oh yes, would rather save my money for something else.
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@fkm232 (109)
17 Sep 17
Yea you could save some money :)
@fkm232 (109)
17 Sep 17
@Lizirazo good for you :)
@rubyriaz007 (4188)
• India
17 Sep 17
If you are lucky you get ,if you are unlucky you lose.I have never taken any lottery ticket in my life.Many people buy lottery ticket and try their luck . If you are lucky you will get a huge sum of money which can change your life entirely,or else the ticket money is wasted.
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@fkm232 (109)
17 Sep 17
Its true if you win your entire life will be change. but you din't buy yet then you have good saving in bank right :)
@Tina30219 (81559)
• Onaway, Michigan
16 Sep 17
Yes if me and my boyfriend ever won the lottery our lives would change for sure. We don't play often only when it is at a big amount. I know I would love to win the lottery.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
20 Mar 18
It is the motivation to push for such wins that spurs most on even through the chances of them falling off a cliff is higher.
@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
16 Sep 17
I buy a ticket now and then but put in some prayer I might win but I don't imagine I will.
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@fkm232 (109)
16 Sep 17
best of luck :)
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• United States
16 Sep 17
It absolutely does affect everyone that plays. It either causes suffering, or you're a millionaire. 1 times out of 300 million, you're going to spend money that you could have used for more productive things... like buying groceries, or getting a pizza, or paying your bills... if you don't win, one of those might suffer a bit... and chances are they will... it's all in whether or not you're willing to take the risk.. but my advice is to play responsibly and to know whats in your bank account first!
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@fkm232 (109)
16 Sep 17
Yea thats a good advice for audience. i think hobby is ok, don't make it habit.
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@Llorakay (239)
• Makati, Philippines
17 Sep 17
Here in the Philippines Lottery tickets is cheap that's why many Filipinos buy and wishing to win, but most of the time the prize money is divided into how many had won.
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@fkm232 (109)
17 Sep 17
Well every country has different way to run it. Yea good to know about Philippine Lottery tickets.
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