Which is which? Car or house first?

@Danzylop (1120)
September 16, 2017 11:55pm CST
I know everyone would tell me that I should pick to get a house first. But I'm confronted with difficulties with the situation. We're still renting a house now and I am thinking that I am wasting the money paid to the house owner. If I pick to get a house first, most of the housing sites are located far from my work and I would have to pay more on transportation costs. I know there is more advantage if I pick choose it but can anyone have a better idea on this situation?
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4 responses
• Philippines
17 Sep 17
Getting a house is more practical than getting a car. If in the future you chose to transfer, you can sell the house at a higher price since the value of property appreciates as time goes by... but car's value depreciates 10% every year. But then again, it's still you who can decide which is more important to you at the moment....
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@Danzylop (1120)
• Philippines
18 Sep 17
Thank you for giving the opinion. I am also considering these facts. But I am not yet into real estate business and I dont intend to buy a house and sell it in the future.
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
17 Sep 17
A house would be my pick if I was in this situation. I'd pick a car if I can make it as another income stream, for example use it as a Grab or Uber service.
@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
18 Sep 17
@Danzylop good luck in whatever you decide.
@Danzylop (1120)
• Philippines
18 Sep 17
That is a good idea. But Grab or Uber service is not yet attractive in my place. I am thiking I'd rather buy house and a motorcycle than buy a car and save for a house later.
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@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
17 Sep 17
Here the choice is easier. I think most Chinese will still choose the house at first. We like settling down. A house means that we will have a stable life for family. And usually the real estate will just get much more expensive. It is different from a car. In general, car's price only drops down as time goes by.
@Danzylop (1120)
• Philippines
18 Sep 17
That is one thing I am also considering. I am trying to balance the pros and cons and there seem to be more cons in getting the car first.
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• Philippines
21 Sep 17
Hello @Danzylop I have not SEEN you in a long time my friend! In my opinion I would pick the house first at least you know it's your home. You can always use Uber or any person who offers transport. Buying a car wouldn't make any difference because you would still experience traffic.