@fkm232 (109)
September 17, 2017 9:51am CST
Why Hindu Extremist attacked and rape and kill other religion people everyday and no INDIA TV channels coverage except NDTV, due to political pressure. Since 31 May 2014, BJP Narendra Modi Goverment takeover Several CHURCH, GURUDWARA and MOSQUE'S has been attacked. Hundereds of people kill by GAURAKSHAK'S, RSS, BAJRANGDAL everyday, all those groups follow current government, Every alternate day you can see such incident on FACEBOOK POST. but no media coverage at all, they all sold. The reason behind; HINDU EXTREMIST claim all india one culture and its HINDUISM, by force they want people to follow Hinduism, and Indian government BJP silent on all those issues. The BJP's aims to target on religion's so they can win upcoming election in 2019 Why America and UN not react on that issues.
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4 responses
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
18 Sep 17
Please do not start this kind of controversial discussions without authentic facts. It is not for sure that whatever you watch on TV news is all true. Where are you from?
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@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
19 Sep 17
@saiama I am sorry to say that he needs to update his knowledge and information about India. Criticizing policies of any country without concrete facts does not make sense to me.
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@saiama (872)
• Mumbai, India
18 Sep 17
@dpk262006 sir this man seems to be having his own politial agenda and i doubt he is from india could be someone from across border
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@fkm232 (109)
18 Sep 17
i am indian canadian
@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
17 Sep 17
Good question. Sounds like real trouble. You might be interested in reading this.
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@fkm232 (109)
17 Sep 17
Yea people in trouble in india
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@fkm232 (109)
19 Sep 17
thank you for sharing
1 person likes this
• Dallas, Texas
18 Sep 17
I don't know. I wish I could help the situation improve for you. I have absolutely no power to do it but I can tell you this, by posting this discussion and sharing it on Twitter and Facebook might just get the American president's attention or at least someone who is more aware of the fate of the people living in the area most affected by these events. I hope things improve. Your post is worth due consideration for sure.
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@fkm232 (109)
19 Sep 17
Thank you for your interest, appreciated.
@saiama (872)
• Mumbai, India
18 Sep 17
where are you from ? and please get your facts straight before posting such posts you are not only maligning indias image around world by not knowing facts but also creating false rumours.ask any sikh indian wether grudwara has been attacked in india since independene ? dont rn yor hiden political agendas on mylot
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