Marriage or live in

September 21, 2017 7:44am CST
Are u believed in marriage? As for for modern times, marriage its only piece of paper. Many of the couple decided to live in situation. They believed its better to know better if they still live in in one house. Getting to know each other its important before getting married. They someone never believed in forever.
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2 responses
@m_audrey6788 (58482)
• Germany
21 Sep 17
Let me give you some of my own view: Married = Being together in marriage is legal by law & public.. it means there`s trust with each other. Live in = means need a lot of time..Not so sure and needed to see it and gives them the chance to change if something goes wrong. Therefore, If I`m in love and I know that I can trust the person then being Married will be for me
22 Sep 17
Wow fantastic definition of both idea. Yah u alright. May be we are in menillium time. They are many changes in our times today even our invironment and our nature. Thank you for liking my post..
@rubyriaz007 (4188)
• India
9 Nov 17
We can get to know each other before marriage also, not only in live in.You can chat daily once you are engaged so you can know a person better, if not everything some idea you will get about his character. I don't support live in relationships. I don't think it is right.