Choices in life are important

I just wanted to post my good vibes face, thanks!
Pasay, Philippines
September 26, 2017 4:17am CST
Remember my husband's siblings doesn't have any work at all, like all four of them?I've overheard my in-laws talking to each other. My father-in-law is asking my husband's eldest sister why she still haven't got a job. She said she applied. She printed out 4 copies of resume but she haven't got a call. She therefore conclude to herself; and the nerve to tell my father-in-law that she doesn't need to exert more in applying since it is really difficult to get in a job nowadays. Take nore that she's a single mom of a 2-year old kid and their necessities are coming from us and my father-in-law's commission as a electrician. He's 61 years old by the way. It makes me sad to see these kinds of mindset. But for me, whatever the situation you're having, whether you're suffering from the dangers of your dreams or your achievements and your dream with your loved ones is the product of the decision you made in the past. What is your connection to? If up to now, you are still a dreamer to have a good life for yourself and your family, you have 2 choices that you can choose. Option A. You will not do anything. You just have to be satisfied and accept that until you have a dream. Option B. Act NOW not exactly. Do something NOW to change your situation in the next few months or years. If Option B is your choice, well congratulations. Your future is brighter than you can imagine. Remember, the only difference between rich & poor people is ACTION. That is why according to Bil Gates, "If you were born poor it's not your mistake, but if you die poor it's your mistake." So I guess you know what's the next scene to this. What are your thought or reactions to this? Don't worry, anything is welcome here in this topic and I'm pretty much open to things so feel free to share, fellow myLotters. Thanks in advance!
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8 responses
26 Sep 17
always go for option B ,
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• Pasay, Philippines
26 Sep 17
I agree! And welcome to myLot by the way, my friend. Keep on posting comments and topics and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Bythe way, what would you do if you have a sister-in-law like this? How would you approach her and tell her to work for her son's sake?
26 Sep 17
@resy21curapika I might be motivate her, to go out & get a job for herself
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• Pasay, Philippines
26 Sep 17
@rocky623 Me and my husband tried. It all boils down to confidence. We even tried printing her resumes and answers to common interview questions and rehearsed it with her. In the end, she felt lazy doing it because it's in her "mindset" that getting a job is hard. I means, getting a job is really hard, right? That's why she needs to work harder.
@nangayo (2290)
• Nairobi, Kenya
27 Sep 17
I agree with you. You have to try harder and harder. Start from somewhere and do not be lazy. It is only you who knows your situation and it is only you who can change it and by this you have to act fast to change the situation. Thank you for the advice.
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• Pasay, Philippines
29 Sep 17
That's true. Probably she is afraid of taking responsibilities whereas it's already infront of herself in the first place. Do you have any best practices in staying motivated?
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• Pasay, Philippines
29 Sep 17
@nangayo I'll try finding another one for her. If ever I would find someone like that, that would save me time. If you're going to ask me who's the best person forthis task, that should be me. I had a lot of hardships in life more than whet she's handling right now. But I guess I gave up guidin her because first of all, I've realized that she is 5 years older than me so she should know better. Second is I am too busy to focus on other things like these. I myself have a lot of things to work on. It's not that I don't care at all, but I've got a lot of task on hand like my two kids, a printing business and a night-time job.
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@nangayo (2290)
• Nairobi, Kenya
29 Sep 17
@resy21curapika Get someone who has struggled before to reach the top to advice her. Maybe this might motivate her.
@prashu228 (37524)
• India
26 Sep 17
Some people just keep on planning but never do anything.
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• Pasay, Philippines
26 Sep 17
Yeah, I know. I don't know if they lack the drive to do things for real or plan about acting it first. What do you think my sister-in-law needs to do at this point?
@silvermist (19702)
• India
26 Sep 17
You are right.As the business magnate T.Boone Pickens said." A plan with out action is not a plan. It's a speech."
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• Pasay, Philippines
26 Sep 17
This is the first time I've heard about T. Boone Pickens. Is he good?
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• Pasay, Philippines
27 Sep 17
@silvermist Hahahaha... I like that one!! Can you share me more of his quotes, please?
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@silvermist (19702)
• India
26 Sep 17
@resy21curapika "Work eight hours and sleep eight hours and make sure that they are not the same hours." is another of his quotes.If you are interested read a short paragraph about him here.
@YesWay (3674)
27 Sep 17
I don't know what it is about some people who think they don't need to work
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• Pasay, Philippines
29 Sep 17
There are some people who hates to work and just wanted to stay lazy. If there would be no one to help them in the future, probably that would be the time for them to work.
@YesWay (3674)
29 Sep 17
@resy21curapika Too true , not good but then what in life can we do if we can't at least admit it as the truth?
• Guangdong, China
26 Sep 17
take actions is very important to start first. They are lazy or afraid to failure.
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• Pasay, Philippines
26 Sep 17
Without actions, it will be impossible to accomplish things. Are you more of a short-term goal setter or a long-time planner?
• Guangdong, China
27 Sep 17
@resy21curapika maybe prefer to the shot-term goals, cause things change so fast that you need to adjust to arrange according to the conditions.
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• Pasay, Philippines
29 Sep 17
@Behindtheguitarbar I agree on that with you, my friend. There are so much things in life that changes every now and then so we need to be flexible. Because if we plan a lot in life and things doesn't work the way we wanted, it is difficult for an individual to adjust.
• United States
26 Sep 17
Effort is always needed and consistently. Not just one or two applications..some people have no mindset or determination in life. Why are they being taken care of? They are dependent on you? Is that you in the photo? A very nice photo.
• Pasay, Philippines
26 Sep 17
Thanks! That's me in the photo gaining back my motivation that time (after a tall frappe) My sister-in-law has always been a bum since the first time I met her. My husband said that even she is the eldest among their siblings, it seems that she's the least expected to be the breadwinner because of her inconsistency and laziness. One day she will apply, the next day she will just stay at home doin nothing. Even when the time she got pregnant and left by her boyfriend she still remains the same. She will never work for her son and always will be our father-in-laws burden. We even tried asking our father-in-law not to be too lenient with her when it comes to resources but he can't stand seeing his grandchild starving. I am really interested in knowin your thoughts or suggestions about this scenario as I consider you one of my truthful friends here in myLot
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• Pasay, Philippines
27 Sep 17
@TiarasOceanView Exactly! The fact that we can stand for ourselves while others are just being dependent to others is unfair for me. I can't stand it also at all. I was able to stand up for myself when I was 15 and the fact that our sister-in-law is older than me and my husband is really ironic. Moreover, you're also right. It is sad to the older person like senior citizens take care of others whereas they can even work for themselves if they just want to.
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• United States
26 Sep 17
@resy21curapika Thanks for your confidence in me Resy. Well since I have my own Mother taking care of a big nephew, he is 22 now, I do not know how to solve this. Myself and my mean sister both talk to my Mother to say he needs now to be independent, so that she does not have to support him, he needs to work and walk to get the bus, but no she drives him (She is 88 yrs old, 89 in February). She does all for him, money, cook, drive, let him live with her..he pays no rent to her. It is intolerable to see this as none of us siblings ever depend on my Mom..but the fact is she will do as she pleases to care for him and will not change her mind, no matter what anyone says to this is what she wants to do..what can we do? Nothing. So I understand this your situation there with that one..she will not do anything as long as she is being cared for. And even she won´t work to care for the child. So bad. I wish I had the answer for is heartbreaking to see the older taking care of young ,when they can work for themselves
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@vsai2008 (11796)
• India
26 Sep 17
I would want your sister in law to go for option B
• Pasay, Philippines
27 Sep 17
Thanks for your reply. Thank you so much!
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• Pasay, Philippines
29 Sep 17
@vsai2008 Thank you so much, that is so cute! I really appreciate this. Hope you have a wonderful day as well.
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@vsai2008 (11796)
• India
27 Sep 17
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