Writer's block! I've been stuck for about a week now!

@jbb316 (1779)
United States
September 26, 2017 11:12pm CST
Normally I like articles where I can research facts and compose an article based on my research. Usually I will search web or news listings, writer's pages and other resources to get ideas. And I have nothing. Notta. Normally when I come across "The one" it will just jump out at me and the creative wheels in brain start spinning. But I'm stuck. Any ideas?
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9 responses
• Nairobi, Kenya
27 Sep 17
I hope people will bring ideas on this. I sometimes think of something and have loads to write about but then when trying to polish it up everything just seems to go blank. Personally most of the things I've written about are just random thoughts that may crop up or a point from a conversation that makes feel all "writy" inside
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@iriswest (158)
• Philippines
27 Sep 17
I think you should organize your ideas so that you can properly convert your ideas in a compelling article.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
27 Sep 17
@iriswest Thank you, I had started writing short paragraphs on different things will adopt your suggestion. again thank you.
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@iriswest (158)
• Philippines
27 Sep 17
@chunchunwadaddy Glad I helped you :)
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@iriswest (158)
• Philippines
27 Sep 17
This is pretty common for writers, but if you have a systematic way of writing you will have more ideas and interesting topics to post in the future.
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@pradab (413)
• India
27 Sep 17
You are right...such blocks are always temporary. you will come up with a big idea soon
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@iriswest (158)
• Philippines
27 Sep 17
@pradab You know what, there are loads of Ideas out there and all you have to do is see it and read it. Create your own topic that is relevant and at the same time unique.
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• United States
27 Sep 17
Take a break for few hours or couple of days from daily routine. It will refresh and rejuvenate your mind. Don't think about writing articles during that time.
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
27 Sep 17
Writing what where? Here you mean? Not that it matters or perhaps it does. We all go through down times. You'll get it back.
@jbb316 (1779)
• United States
28 Sep 17
Writing articles to publish. Eventually I will do short stories and work my way up to writing a book
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
28 Sep 17
@jbb316 Good for you. I'm in that process as well. It goes flat line on me and then I get enthusasitic again. Would have more confidence in what I want to do if I could speel enthusastic?
@YesWay (3674)
11 Oct 17
I hope you get back into the swing of things soon
@ziutso (130)
27 Sep 17
I think You need to read books .... as many as you can. The only way... You obviously get so many Idea.
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@iriswest (158)
• Philippines
27 Sep 17
Aside from books, you should also read articles and newspapers.
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@ziutso (130)
27 Sep 17
@iriswest right.
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 17
I have no idea.
@eagletrek2 (5499)
• Kingston, New York
11 Oct 17
here a crazy way to write close your eyes spend around the room when you open your eyes the first thing you see is what you write about
@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
27 Sep 17
I know what it is like being stuck and not being able to think what to say.