Maximum time in mylot?

@shubhu3 (36464)
New Delhi, India
September 27, 2017 11:50pm CST
Sometimes I am here for most of the time of the day yet sometimes it becomes once in a bluemoon as well. The maximum time I have been here continuously was for 3 hours approximately. What about you? What is the maximum amount of time you have been here in a single go?
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8 responses
@ilocosboy (45157)
• Philippines
28 Sep 17
I can't really compute because my time here is staggered.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
28 Sep 17
Oh okay. That's good.
@aureliah (24316)
• Kenya
28 Sep 17
I also tend to be like that. I do 20 minutes then 30 and like that.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
29 Sep 17
@aureliah This happens with me as well.
@magallon (19280)
• Philippines
28 Sep 17
Sometimes I stay here for more than 3 hours, but there are times that I just check on my notifications and leave.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
28 Sep 17
That's nice.
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@magallon (19280)
• Philippines
29 Sep 17
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@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 17
I am not sure. Normally I will go for hours if I have mood that day. Sometimes I don't really go at all.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
28 Sep 17
Same is the case with me too. Cheers to sameness.
@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
28 Sep 17
@shubhu3 One and a half hour a day.That's the maximumore time I can spend on mylot.I have too busy a daily schedule.
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
29 Sep 17
@shubhu3 Exactly.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
28 Sep 17
Alright. 1.5 hrs is also a lot in itself.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
29 Sep 17
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@hillhjill (23664)
• United States
28 Sep 17
I cant really say because most of the time it is time here and there.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
28 Sep 17
Alright. Switching between so many things.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
28 Sep 17
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@hillhjill (23664)
• United States
28 Sep 17
@shubhu3 yup..
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@peachpurple (13889)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 17
I could do more than that, from 6am in the morning until 5pm , that is when I have to cook dinner!
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
28 Sep 17
That's great.
@peachpurple (13889)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 17
@pradab yup, pretty crazy here
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@pradab (413)
• India
28 Sep 17
That seems like addicted... You have to watch out
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@aureliah (24316)
• Kenya
28 Sep 17
I have done 4 hours on a weekend and it was quite rewarding. My earnings increase tremendously.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
29 Sep 17
Wow! Amazing.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
29 Sep 17
@aureliah It indeed is.
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@aureliah (24316)
• Kenya
29 Sep 17
@shubhu3 You know it is quite addictive.
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@pradab (413)
• India
28 Sep 17
I have been for two hours continuously.. Watch out before it gets addicting
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
28 Sep 17
Totally agree with you.
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