What to do When co-worker Asked to do their works !

@fkm232 (109)
October 5, 2017 5:10pm CST
My co-worker always try to push her responsibilities to others actually especially to me and showoff like a boss, she is just a worker as others. But i try to be nice with her and always listen whenever she give me work. Since few days, i realize my silenceness give her more strength. I never fight with my co-worker in my entire work histry. I just want nice environment and be nice with each other. Need your advice.
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9 responses
@Phelly02 (463)
• Philippines
6 Oct 17
This happen to me before, when I was just a new employee, there was this senior who push his work to me pretending that he was teaching me the basics. When I discovered that he was just lazying around, I started to ignore him or making alibi that I can not do what he was asking because the supervisor asked me to do a task that is urgent.
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@fkm232 (109)
6 Oct 17
Yea mostly senior employees always do like that with new employee, its hurt, when co-worker do like that with us.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
8 Oct 17
Maybe ask others what they would do in your place if a co-worker took the credit but did not do the work?
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
9 Oct 17
@fkm232 FKM, you are welcome.
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@fkm232 (109)
8 Oct 17
ok i will do. thank you
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
21 Oct 17
Sounds like she knows she can push off her work onto everyone else and not do anything herself. Sounds quite frustrating. Too bad your Boss is not aware. Hopefully somehow things can change there for the better to where this person will have to take some responsibility for a change.
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@fkm232 (109)
24 Oct 17
I never complain about it. i just keep patience. thank you
@maezee (41996)
• United States
5 Oct 17
That sounds frustrating. I get that you want to keep the peace but dont set a precedent to do all of your coworkers work.
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@fkm232 (109)
5 Oct 17
I will try. thank you
@renicemae (4883)
• Philippines
6 Oct 17
That is very common to government offices especially when new employees come. I also experienced that. At first, I end up doing what they want me to do but later on..i got tired of their demands and I frown or dont talk much to them every time they asked me to do something that is not part of my job. Some will back out but there are just some who are very insensitive and lazy.
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@fkm232 (109)
6 Oct 17
Yea i have almost same issues
@rubyriaz007 (4188)
• India
26 Oct 17
Once in a while I will do if he has some urgent work. But I wont entertain him every time because he will take advantage of it...
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@fkm232 (109)
26 Oct 17
Thats true
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@PatZAnthony (14752)
• Charlotte, North Carolina
10 Dec 17
This is not okay for people to push their work responsibilities on others, but it does seem to happen way too often. No clue what I would do if this was happening to me.
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
20 Dec 17
I think you have to talk to them about this properly without making a dark scene.
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• Cuddalore, India
1 Nov 18
Just say you can't this straightly. If one time means okay but many time means, you need to be straightforward. Just say, I am tired and I can't do this.