Can you read in noisy places?

October 7, 2017 1:41pm CST
It's advisable to take readings in quiet places (did I hear someone say library? ). However, this is not always possible and sometimes you have / need / mustto read something in noisy places. how does your reading work in this kind of situation?
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9 responses
@Chibi05 (60)
8 Oct 17
I read a lot and I prefer quiet places, mostly my room or on top of a mountain, in a corner where no1 will even take a walk around, to get into some reading. I can't read in noisy places, it kind of irritates me a lot and i just read and i dont understand what i'm reading even if i continue to try. Sometimes, when i can't avoid and have to read something in a noisy place, i try to read out a little louder just to make myself concentrate on what i am reading. (Definitely not that loud that others can hear me., just a little bit louder than silent reading.)
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
7 Oct 17
Yes, I can. If the noise is unbearable and I can't move to another place, I just use headphones.
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@prashu228 (37525)
• India
9 Oct 17
No i Can't read in noisy places, i Prefer calm places
• Peoria, Arizona
7 Oct 17
If I really like the store I can zone out even if it is noisy. Living with an Italian family for 10 years kind of helps build that skill
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
2 Feb 18
I try to find quiet places to read but if have no choice then I try and concentrate on the book I am reading and drown out all the other noises.
@peachpurple (13889)
• Malaysia
8 Oct 17
nope I can't read in noisy environment, not possible at all. I can't even read when I am travelling in vehicle either
• India
7 Oct 17
I can read amidst the most chaotic noises now, all because of sharing my college hostel room with a particularly loud roommate. I no more pay attention to any external noise if the book is interesting enough to keep me hooked. It's a skill I painstakingly learned to enjoy reading.
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
7 Oct 17
The answer is: earplugs! :-)
@skydream (1445)
• Agate, Colorado
7 Oct 17
I suck at reading when there's noise most the time I end up distracted and looking at other things