Photography is my Hobby

Kolkata, India
October 12, 2017 4:29am CST
I love taking clicks, I really don't have sune huge DSLR or something. But I love taking clicks. In my free time what could be better than taking some pictures.. Thought to share one of my recent click. What is your hobby? What do you do in your pass time?
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8 responses
• Philippines
12 Oct 17
wow .. you know you should pursue your hobby .. it could be so nice if your hobby is your job .. ylou'll be like doing your hobby and gatting paid at the same time ..
1 person likes this
• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
I wish.. But, I don't will ever this be possible.
1 person likes this
• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
@chloeamber Sadly, I haven't got one, till date.
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• Philippines
12 Oct 17
@subhajitsil6 why not? theirs so many opportunities for those who have that kind of talent..
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@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
12 Oct 17
I love taking pictures as well and I have participated in some challenges over Instagram and have won a few. I love taking photos using my phone though. I sold my old dslr camera.
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• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
These days phone cameras are also superb
@yanzalong (18982)
• Indonesia
12 Oct 17
Show me some of your shots, please.
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
12 Oct 17
@subhajitsil6 That is so true. I love my iPhone.
@yanzalong (18982)
• Indonesia
12 Oct 17
I do photography sometimes, especially all mobile phones are equipped with good cameras.
1 person likes this
• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
These days mobile phones really have high end cameras
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@yanzalong (18982)
• Indonesia
12 Oct 17
@subhajitsil6 In your opinion, whats the best phone camera?
• Philippines
12 Oct 17
Beautiful photo.
• Philippines
12 Oct 17
@subhajitsil6 I love taking photos, too.
• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
@eliza_godinez12 You can also open a Shutterstock account and join as a contributor, there you would get a chance to display your photos to millions of buyer and get a chance to sell your picture.
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• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
thank you.. whats your hobby
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
12 Oct 17
Very nice picture. I write. I have three books published and one about to be.
• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
That is incredible. So here I have an author friend. Would lvoe to get to read your books sometimes perhaps
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@just4him (314741)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
12 Oct 17
@subhajitsil6 Thank you. They're available on Amazon.
@Kandae11 (54186)
12 Oct 17
I like reading or creating beautiful things.
1 person likes this
• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
13 Oct 17
My hobby is also photoshoot.
@tzwrites (4835)
• Romania
12 Oct 17
I also enjoy taking photos. It's my favorite hobby.
• Kolkata, India
12 Oct 17
Same here.