An extra post. But cant upload the photo so post is dumb

Dundee, Scotland
November 3, 2017 8:53pm CST
Hadn't really realised Mylot hadn't seen the wee present I bought myself in March. Totally out of character for me as sports bike have never really been my gig. But this babe is. She really is sick. Dope even y,all. Thought I better change my writing style as well to be sick and dope like the bike, bruv! Anyway. Who loves her sleek sexy lines? Who agrees with me that she stands out from all the rest? Who would like to pull on a helmet and ride her? Handle with care. Handle with love.
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1 response
@marguicha (218650)
• Chile
4 Nov 17
Enjoy your bike.
1 person likes this
• Dundee, Scotland
4 Nov 17
I will Well I do. I like the profile pic.