Fish-Flavored Ice Cream? For Real???

By Jake
Laguna, Philippines
November 25, 2017 8:49am CST
Good evening, friends! How're you doing? I was a bit busy these past few days so I wasn't able to check myLot. Hope you guys are doing great. By the way, has anyone here already tried eating fish-flavored ice cream? How's the taste? I'm not talking about the fish-shaped Korean ice cream. The ice cream really is fish-flavored!
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9 responses
@sw8sincere (5204)
• Philippines
25 Nov 17
Fish-flavored ice cream? Wow! I have never heard of that before. I do know there are vegetable flavored ice creams but not with fish-flavored ones! Where did you know about that? lol. I wonder how does that taste like.
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• Laguna, Philippines
25 Nov 17
@sw8sincere Yeah, the color makes it worst FOR ME. Haha.
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• Nice, France
25 Nov 17
I could imagine a fresh fish herbs sorbet in a warm fish soup? not as dessert, I would not like never tasted anyway but in the Provence and Marseille fish soup or bouillabaisse are matching with this creamy a little strange tastes
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• Laguna, Philippines
25 Nov 17
Are you willing to try one? Haha.
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• Nice, France
25 Nov 17
@jennisonpangan I found some cookery recipe where fish-flavored ice cream is indeed nice fish rest cooked as a soup and when creamy it is frozen; a good cook using this aroma then to give much taste to fish dishes ! without knowing perhaps we already savoured ice cream fish without knowing in fish restaurant! Molecular Chefs in the Provence are realizing in seconds mushroom flavour ice creams and others like fish too but I never tasted, molecular cookery is too much advanced for me
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@ddnj2006 (652)
• Philippines
25 Nov 17
Really not tried. But if I could set example of being rare, I remember I order seafood desert before. With ice cream toppings and sweets, and sprinkles. Really not that tasty but not everyday I can see such menu.
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• Laguna, Philippines
25 Nov 17
I can't imagine a seafood desert with sprinkles on top. Hihi.
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@ddnj2006 (652)
• Philippines
25 Nov 17
@jennisonpangan you bet! Either a fish ice cream hahahaha. But it's also very rare.
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@ChoukseyMK (1045)
• India
25 Nov 17
Surimi based ice cream can be prepared which does not have any fishy taste and odour. In ice-cream preparation several ice-cream manufacturers usually gelatin (a byproduct of fish) as one of the ingredients
• Laguna, Philippines
25 Nov 17
Nice, good info. Thanks, bro. I guess having no fishy taste would be great.
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@Scrapper88 (5983)
• United States
25 Nov 17
I am not sure if this is sold in the United States. I do not think I will try this ice cream.
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• Laguna, Philippines
25 Nov 17
Well, me too. I just got curious about the flavor. Haha.
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@rubyriaz007 (4188)
• India
25 Nov 17
I have never heard of fish -flavored ice cream,hearing it for the first time. I would never try it. Won't it smell fish?
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• Laguna, Philippines
26 Nov 17
I think it does. Yikes!
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
26 Nov 17
I'll gladly pass. Who thought of this and what kind of fish are we talking about here?
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
27 Nov 17
@jennisonpangan I eat tilapia but not an ice-cream that is made to taste like it. Too weird for my taste buds.
@db20747 (43445)
• Washington, District Of Columbia
25 Nov 17
Now I'm a big fan of all flavors of Icecream, But fish flavored? That sounds stomach growling. That would make your stomach growl for sure.
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@db20747 (43445)
• Washington, District Of Columbia
26 Nov 17
@jennisonpangan That's funny.
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• Laguna, Philippines
26 Nov 17
I don't know why, but I imagined a fish swimming inside my stomach. Haha.
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@natemelb (39)
• Melbourne, Australia
13 Feb 18
I've never tried this flavour - I think I'd try it once. You never know until you try :)