Who am I?

February 9, 2018 12:28pm CST
The question written above seems very simple to answer but it is not. Many people say that they found the answer and many say they are still on the way to find it .Do most of us really think about this question ? Many guru claim that they will help us self -discovery but we have to find our answer ourself as we all are different . The question came before me for the first time when my professor asked Who are you," the body" or "the inner you (the eternal soul )" . His question make me think more deeply and in a correct way . I really don't know" Who am I?" we think that we are that the answer is very simple now I am studying so I am student ,my parent's daughter , my brother's sister ,and so on. May be the first step towards the solution of this mystery is knowing the difference between the body and the soul .One should realize that he is not only the body but more and deeper than this .Our body ,our thoughts, our roles , our way of seeing this and our economic status changes as we gain experience and with the age but the soul remains the same and that in real sense that soul is "you". The three key themes from the discourse on spirituality had been analysed: the concept of human person i.e the divine ,eternal and is capable of cognition and experience , the purpose of life i.e Why are you here in this role , in this state and the meaning of death i.e the body dies not the soul . In this one this remain constant that is your soul (real you ).If one could find the answer to the question in real sense he could live his entire life in a more peaceful way as he can control all his desire as he has found the truth . I don't know am I on right path to find a way to this question but I might say that knowing yourself more deeper give you everything as you got yourself , nothing left for you then, all sorted . What do you think about this ?Have you ever thought about yourself so deeply ? If yes then how deep and let me know did you find your answer?
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6 responses
@saritflor (3914)
• Hungary
9 Feb 18
I have to think about it more, for the moment I can answer that I can't ignore injustices toward human beings and animals...
1 person likes this
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
9 Feb 18
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10 Feb 18
Yup sorry for not introducing myself ???? hello sir I m Riya from India .I'm studying art history from college of arts ,Delhi estb.in 1942. ( In first year currently) .and yaaa I'm 19 years old ??????
@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 18
Hello friend...how are you.? I still remember on your photo. I left mylot about two years, because I have new job that spend almost my pleasure time. Now, I see new members are active and just you are th eold member which still active since I come back again... Happy mylotting....
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
10 Feb 18
@srisahara Welcome back!
@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
10 Feb 18
You are right. It is not easy to answer the question who you are. Because our life will change and change through out the life....
@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
10 Feb 18
You must mention the source if you use text from the net for your post. If you don't, it's plagiarising.
• New Delhi, India
10 Feb 18
My friend Riya, welcome to mylot.
10 Feb 18
Yup thank you
@Isreally (196)
• Nigeria
9 Feb 18
Welcome to mylot. Enjoy your stay here. Keep posting and commenting to earn more..