Violence in schools

Janesville, Wisconsin
March 24, 2018 1:39pm CST
Violence in Schools. How do you end violence in schools? How do you end school shootings? The answer is actually very easy. It is to instill strong values of respect in all of the teachers and students. How do you do this? Teach respect for each other. Respect for life. Peer intermediation skills. Respect for personal space. Better social skills, this a very important one. Good manners. Please, Thank you.. Good Listening skills. To treat everyone as if they are trusted until they prove otherwise. Not many would think this is an important one.. But many out there if they do not feel like they are trusted will resort to untrusting behavior ... I am not sure why this is.. but it does happen. Teach it is okay to be unique and we need to respect all varieties of human. Goths, Punks, Rockers, Geeks, Freaks etc.. Bridge the gap... Help students find common ground... Nourish talents and abilities, make sure everyone is recognized for something.... This is important too.. As many times students will be seeing all those around him or her or them honored for this and that and no matter how hard they try they can not make that honor. This leads to jealousy.... Which leads to another skill management I see lacking.. How does one manage or properly express and release feelings of jealousy? Introduce Games, Music and Dance.. In great variety.. These things can bridge the gap. Teach General understanding that there are many religions, cultures, and peoples that are not the same as you, and they are not a threat. Help wipe out the fear of those who are different. Teach relationship building and management skills. Encourage people around them to do always do their best and have no regrets. Remind people to be themselves, and to remember who they are. They are not that criminal that just bullied that other child, they are not a theif they are better than that. Try to help people become conscious and careful with their speech. The most dangerous hole in the world is that little mouth of ours. The strength and responsiblity of the words we say that fly out of our mouths...Is very important... I know I have an issue with this.... I think this is all I can think of for now... Other then the most important thing is respect.. respect of each other... respect of life, respect of property... respect of proper use of our tools at hand... For many.. teach them exercises to calm, relax, and to bring themselves back to here and now and present moment. anything else you can think of without adding bans and extra security?
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2 responses
• Calgary, Alberta
24 Mar 18
Smaller classes of 15 . The smaller the class the less bullying will happen. Bullying is a byproduct of cliques. Cliques are impossible with smaller classes. Also make popularity in school irrelevant. Make the kids feel they are equal.
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• Janesville, Wisconsin
28 Apr 18
That does help, but part of going to school is learning about life... And if Cliques can not learn the skills to get along with other cliques in school. Where will they learn these skills? ...I agree that does help in the learning atmospheres or more staff... We had classes of 30 students and sometimes 3-4 teachers.. It seemed in classroom itself was usually ok.. it was hallways, and breaks that could get harry. They started to do good presentations about bullying and harassment and actions to take and what to do and i know this influenced and turned a lot around in my own class... As many did not know the difference of constructive criticism, harassment and having fun and jokes.
• Calgary, Alberta
28 Apr 18
@dnatureofdtrain The thing is cliques don't get along. Elimination of cliques actually make kids more adaptable to different personalities. Cliques causes divisions, Like the nerds, the mean girls, the jocks etc. I noticed that people of different shapes and sizes gets a long better with smaller classes because the comfort zone of cliques are gone.
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• Janesville, Wisconsin
28 Apr 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker I see cliques as both harmful and helpful. We need to nourish the helpful skills as always in life children adults or whatever you do there will be cliques even in small classes. eliminating them can work in some cases but not all.. So best to teach each student how to survive in even a clique situation. And it is okay to be in a group as well as to stand alone.
@dodo19 (47312)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
24 Mar 18
There are so many ways that can help end violence in schools, but there are just some people who aren't always willing to change things.
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• Janesville, Wisconsin
28 Apr 18
That is always an issue... But what one person does can ripple effect and make changes in ways we never imagined. I witnessed this happen at the hands of a small group I once ran. So change can happen and manifest. :) ..
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