More women having kids in their 40s than their 30s??

Northampton, England
March 30, 2018 6:30am CST
More women are getting pregnant in their 40s then their 30s in the U.K. It’s the first time on record that has happened. It seems working-class women still have their kids young and professional middle- class women have their kids much later. All women know their chances of having kids decline in their mid thirties but they also know this is when their career accelerates, why IVF treatments are increasing. It’s tough for smart intelligent ladies to have to make this choice. This is believed to be the reason why the gender pay gap is coming down. Women are losing the choice of taking time out of their careers to have kids and also harder to find the right partner. Another theory is that although smart successful men can be attracted to women of lesser means and brains and social class and that not always the case with successful women. They tend to be attracted to likewise men in their social class so they do have the financial option to have a career break to have kids and a family, why the gender pay gap was near 20% in the 1990s. I will go one step further and say these super women only want to marry their betters and that is a small pool of eligible men, men that may choose to marry women for their looks and body over brains. Maybe smart plain women accept they won’t find their equal and stay with their career over having kids?
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8 responses
@sprite1950 (30453)
• Corsham, England
30 Mar 18
It makes me wonder if women in their 40s have trouble conceiving as fertility decreases after the age of 35. I had my children at 30 and 36 and was considered to be an "older mother" with my second child. If I had reached the age of 40 and not had children I would probably have decided not to have them. I had enough problems with my pregnancies and the risks increase with age.
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@TheHorse (208281)
• Walnut Creek, California
30 Mar 18
My sister had her only child at 42, if my math is right. She was a professor and later museum curator. She lives in Italy now and is semi-retired.
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@spiderdust (14741)
• San Jose, California
30 Mar 18
My last child was born when I was 44. My mom's last child was born when she was 48. Neither one of us did IVF, we were just middle aged and more fertile than we realized (we were both told we were in menopause).
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• Northampton, England
30 Mar 18
I think IVF plays a big part
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@Hannihar (129979)
• Israel
30 Mar 18
@thedevilinme I have heard that young people here are more into their careers so get married later in life.
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@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
31 Mar 18
I remember the time when my Uncle told me I could never get married. The reason why he said that was because I couldn't cook. And according to him, if I ever did get married, my husband would leave me coz I can't cook. But I don't want to stay in the house and just cook when I can do better than staying in the kitchen. Women have more career opportunities now than they ever had in the past. In fact I see more women taking care of their husbands financially these days. I'm 40 and I'm still wishing to have another child. Preferably a daughter.
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
31 Mar 18
@thedevilinme curse you, you evil evil man.
• Northampton, England
31 Mar 18
I think the rice is boiling over luv....;-)
• Northampton, England
31 Mar 18
@toniganzon Cook for me wo-man ;-)
@TheHorse (208281)
• Walnut Creek, California
30 Mar 18
Really interesting post! Both men and women are "beautyistic," but men are more so. Basically, they want to date healthy young ova. Heh. Women, conversely, are attracted to "successful" men, though they too are somewhat beautyistic.
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@spiderdust (14741)
• San Jose, California
31 Mar 18
This reminds me of a study on female strippers that I read about a few years ago. According to the study strippers who were ovulating received more tips than strippers who were not. However, a few minutes ago when I looked for an article about the study to link here, it looks like that study was debunked! Oops! Looks like "studying" 18 strippers for 2 months in the name of science isn't enough of a sample size or amount of time to get very reliable results.
@aureliah (24320)
• Kenya
30 Mar 18
It seems that career women just want to have fun and work their self up before starting families.
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@Jessabuma (31700)
• Baguio, Philippines
30 Mar 18
Yes I agree with you
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@TheHorse (208281)
• Walnut Creek, California
30 Mar 18
How do you mean "have fun"?
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@aureliah (24320)
• Kenya
3 Apr 18
@TheHorse Enjoy life without family committments first
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@Jill_H (147)
30 Mar 18
I am 26 years old and my first baby has been birth in this year. It is hard for me to look after him. I cannot imagine how I can handle the problems if I was in my 40s. I think if we get child a little early, we would have more energy to take care of the little baby.
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• Calgary, Alberta
1 Apr 18
I see this as a Good news because I rather see more Menopausal babies than teen moms. I hope more women will enjoy their careers on their prime before settling down so they wont have regrets. Women can freeze their eggs now.
@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
30 Mar 18
Because women now have more freedom to choose. Also, women are more into achieving their dreams and are more career oriented. They would opt to do this, which is also a way of saving for the future and that they will be able to provide a good life to their future children. When they have children after doing well in their careers, they are more mature, more prepared physically, financially, mentally and psychologically. These are intelligent women we are talking about. Those of below standards is another thing.