What comes to your mind when you think about Russia?

Russian Federation
May 9, 2018 5:50am CST
Hello, everyone! I am going to steal a new trend made by @thesupersingh and others. Since I am the only person from my country here, I wonder, what do you think about Russia? Do you have friends from Russia? Have you ever been here? Will anyone come here to watch football championship? N.B. Please, do not include any controversial topics like politics, I want this post to be peaceful Thanks.
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21 responses
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
9 May 18
Honestly on reading the topic I thought it is his On Russia, nothing I can relate.
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@Meramar (2695)
11 May 18
Regarding the football championship, I will follow it on TV with my family. I haven't been in Russia, yet. But, I hope to go once at least on holidays. My father and my grandparents spoke Russian and I really would like to travel once in the Trans-Siberian. Did you travel to other countries?
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@Meramar (2695)
11 May 18
@MashaVickina Actually in Spain. Travelling abroad is a very enriching experience.
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• Russian Federation
11 May 18
@Meramar Oh, cool! Yes, I have traveled to 12 countries. Where do you live now?
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• Russian Federation
11 May 18
@Meramar Oh, yes! By the way, my sister's name is Margarita
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• Calgary, Alberta
17 Jun 18
Yulia Savicheva, Tarakany!,Zveri,Tatu and other Russian Singers and bands. I am a huge fan of Zveri and Tarakany. Until Now I sing dozhdi Pistolety and Ya smotru Na nih in the shower.
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• Calgary, Alberta
26 Jun 18
@MashaVickina Who is your favorite Russian music artist?
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• Russian Federation
26 Jun 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker An old group T9, now they do not sing anymore. They have one joint song with Yulia Savicheva. And Basta - a popular rapper born in my city, Rostov-on-Don
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• Russian Federation
26 Jun 18
So cool! I am very glad
@choijungeun (2600)
• Hangzhou, China
9 May 18
I know Russian is our Big Brother,and i adore the President Putin,he don't give a wink to America.He is the only one dare fight against America.And i heard there are many beautiful girls and bold men,they love to drink vodka. I thought the greatest Russian is Gorbachev.He gave the politic power and democracy back to his people and avoided the World War.He didn't want to be Modern Emperor of Socialist Country.If there is no Gorbachev,Russian is still a despotic and dark country.the people have no right to get the democracy or freedom. but after all,i think Russia is the second supercountry in this world.if America declined,Russia is the only country can substitute for America. I wish China will become next Russia one day,and we will have our own glory to stand on the world like hero,not a threat.
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• Hangzhou, China
10 May 18
@MashaVickina i've never gone Russian.everything i said is just heared from the web.thanks for your sharing,now i know Russian better and deeper.i really love Russian,and they're going to host the world cup.The football is my favorite sports.i will watch it.
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• Russian Federation
9 May 18
@choijungeun You know so much, cool! Thanks for your comment, but men are not bold here, it is just a popular belief that is not true
• Russian Federation
10 May 18
@choijungeun Thanks! That's great
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
15 Sep 18
I studied English and Russian at uni and taught both languages at secondary grammar schools in Germany for 20 years as a third foreign language after English and Latin. I visited Moscow and (then) Leningrad three times. First as a student, then with pupils who had chosen Russian. When the Soviet Union ended, the interest in learning Russian dwindled to zero in many schools. Our headmaster decided to introduce Italian because our school and also our town have twin partners in Italy. So I started teaching Italian which I had learnt because of an Italian husband. We had several Russian language assistants (students of German who had come to assist the teachers of Russian) staying in our house where we could give them a room. They were all very good at talking German - a great contrast to language assistants from England, France and Italy. I conclude that the level of language teaching in Russia is rather high. Or only the best are sent abroad!
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
15 Sep 18
@MashaVickina Ne sa shto! (written in Latin letters).
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• Russian Federation
15 Sep 18
It was very interesting to read your comment, thanks a lot
• Russian Federation
15 Sep 18
@MALUSE That's great
• Budennovsk, Russian Federation
6 Sep 18
you are not the only one person from Russia here
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• Budennovsk, Russian Federation
9 Sep 18
@MashaVickina because i try to act like typical kgb spy
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• Russian Federation
9 Sep 18
@TypicalRussian come on it is offensive for a real one who is reading us now
• Russian Federation
7 Sep 18
Cool, I have never seen you here
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
9 May 18
I instantly get Raj Kapoor the legendary actor of Indian Movies into my mind who used to have lot of love for Russia and he was immensely liked by Russians at that time! Thanks @MashaVickina! Dasvidania!
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• Russian Federation
9 May 18
@AKRao24 Oh, cool! Everyone knows Shahrukh Khan here
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
9 May 18
@MashaVickina , Sharukh Khan is recent entry...Raj Kapoor made a movie 'Mera Naam Joker' where he used many Russian artists in the movie! Thanks!
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@arunima25 (86675)
• Bangalore, India
11 May 18
We can not forget "Sur pe laal topi russi, phir bhi dil hai hindustani""...the popular song
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
11 May 18
In 2016 I wanted to visit Russia however it demands a very expensive tourist visa. To be able to go visa free we flew from England to Sweden and then a ferry over to Finland. St Peter Ferry Line arranged our visa free trip to St Petersburg in Russia. We booked a hotel on a different website. On arrival in Russia a minibus took us the drop off point. We walked up to our hotel following a canal. We found our hotel close the site of the Church of Stained Blood. We walked around seeing the lovely city. We took a day out to Peter Hof Palace Gardens. These looked beautiful with golden statues. We talked to a German man that had visited Moscow and he loved it. However we can't go visa free to there. I dream of visiting Sochi visa free and might be able to do that going on a ferry from Turkey. It is not a trip I could book in advance.
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• Russian Federation
11 May 18
@maximax8 Great! Oh, yes, Sochi is worth visiting
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@sabtraversa (13401)
• Italy
10 May 18
Well, vodka. It is not unique to Russia, but that's what comes first in mind. I also think of a very wide area, with many cultures and ethnicities. Siberia is Russian, after all. I love the accent and the national anthem; the music, classical and traditional, pretty cool too. Oh, it's also the land of Rasputin, cool dude. I don't have friends from Russia, never been abroad at all, and Italy didn't qualify.
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• Russian Federation
10 May 18
Wow, you know much! Yes, it all is true) Two guys came to my friend from Italy, they liked it in here
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• Philippines
9 May 18
I've known Russia from the early days through the game Red Alert and then it was a communist state. Later I've found that it was once a Kingdom overthrown by it's own people. I guess it's another Caucasian civilization in the east.
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• Philippines
9 May 18
@MashaVickina Oh, yeah RT that also comes to my mind but was removed from our cable here
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• Russian Federation
9 May 18
Yes, some of my ancestors are from the Caucasus
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@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
17 Jun 18
No I do not friends in Russia but I would like to have one. I think Russia is a beautiful, cold, and strong country. I would love to visit it one day
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• Russian Federation
17 Jun 18
Thanks for your kind words In summer, it is very hot. Right now, +34 C
@WriterAI (5373)
• Bulgaria
14 Jun 18
Hello, Masha! Glad to hear from you! I am Bulgarian. Bulgarian and Russia have been together for ages. I speak Russian. I know well Russian history, literature, culture and art. You cluld read here my discussion "2018 FIFA World Cup Russia". My family history is pro Russian. When Hitler invaded the Soviet Union during the Second World War my grandmother cried. Her father and my greatgrandfather was a passionate Russian supporter. Also we Bulgarian know well that Russia liberated us from the Turkish slavery in the Russian-Turkish war in 1878. So Russia is a great subject and great topic to me.
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• Russian Federation
14 Jun 18
Hello, dear! Pleasure to meet you as well We are like neighbors. That's so nice, I visited your country in 2011 as a tourist
@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
9 May 18
I am interested with President Putin. Interesting and intriguing guy.
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@arunima25 (86675)
• Bangalore, India
11 May 18
I also like him a lot
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@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
12 May 18
@arunima25 Yes. I would like to see what he will be doing next.
@lynnief (1203)
• Australia
9 May 18
When I was a kid I wanted to be a ballerina. I read every ballet book in the local library - and most of them were set in Russia. So even today when I think of Russia, I think of ballet. It's a country I would really love to see. I would particularly like to do the Trans Siberian Railway journey.
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• Russian Federation
9 May 18
@lynnief Wow, I also wanted to become a ballerina! Thanks for your comment
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@crossbones27 (48866)
• Mojave, California
9 May 18
Well hell, I am mum, how about this love the people, but hate your leader is our leader. Was that political. I have met your military brethren in 1998 and we all traded things. I got a Russian duffle and think I gave them a CD that was not sold there, Some American thing, Bon Jovi or something.
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
9 May 18
Faberge eggs.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
10 May 18
@MashaVickina I have family from there and also yes I have someone that is very nice. No, I have not been there.
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@augusta123 (6649)
9 May 18
Great people yea
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@saritflor (3914)
• Hungary
14 Jun 18
In history lessons we learnt mostly about wars Russia had :I I wish though to become more familiar with the good simple people out there. to know their thoughts/interests etc.
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@arunima25 (86675)
• Bangalore, India
11 May 18
Ballerina...The tall gracefully standing ladies!..That crosses my mind as soon as I think of Russia.
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