What's your opinion about Indian Education system?

May 27, 2018 9:40am CST
Education is something that it should be designed for the all round development of a Student. Is it really meeting up to the standards.. Or just going marks oriented
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6 responses
@Jessabuma (31700)
• Baguio, Philippines
27 May 18
Well, I am not from India so I don't have any idea about your education system there..
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@Jessabuma (31700)
• Baguio, Philippines
27 May 18
@Kush_ariN Literally, India has one of the worst education system around the world, in my opinion.for example The caste based reservation : you will find this every where in your country .
27 May 18
???? that's ok just give your idea...how should it be
27 May 18
@Jessabuma exactly.....I've my close friend who always dreamed to be a cardiologist...right from childhood.... unfortunately he lost it just because of Reservation even though having a good rank of 6k out of 1.7 lakhs
@NICKY_57 (57)
• Tirupathi, India
27 May 18
In india its just based on grades.....So system has to change to implement good education towards students.....
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27 May 18
So... What do you think should be done
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• Tirupathi, India
27 May 18
@Kush_ariN I think my idea is to remove grades based system.....and should promote that knowledge is more important than grades !!!
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• Lucknow, India
27 May 18
@NICKY_57 yes I'm agree
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
29 May 18
MyLot is not an Indian site. You can't expect members from other countries to have an opinion on your educational system.
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
30 May 18
@Kush_ariN Have you read the Guidelines yet? We're told not to write for a special group of members only.
30 May 18
@MALUSE I wrote it for public.... since everybody is not an Indian in Mylot.....So if Indians reply that will be fine because they know about it......I don't think there is anything wrong if other county men reply also.....
30 May 18
I know there are people from India also.... If they reply to such discussions that will be fine
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
29 May 18
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@mohit459 (12565)
• Haldwani, India
27 May 18
Just Average
@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
28 May 18
Welcome to mylot. Enjoy.
29 May 18
Thank you
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