What do you prefer most ??? MONEY or RELATIONS !!!

Tirupathi, India
June 1, 2018 10:48am CST
Money is a tool just to run and to satisfy our needs,but relationships are for lifetime.We should respect relations and also value them.I probably prefers relationships than money because with love and care their are many ways to earn money and with money we cannot buy relationships as well,what do you say ???
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6 responses
@Jessabuma (31700)
• Baguio, Philippines
1 Jun 18
I prefer them both..
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• Tirupathi, India
1 Jun 18
1 person likes this
1 Jun 18
Relationships is what really matters to me. When you value relationships, you respect each and everyone in your family and the people around you. You love and care for them. And if others are like that as well I think even if some are less fortunate and no money for education or for a simple meal. Others will care to share and make way, find ways to help each other and be happy with each others gestures and feel blessed for the tiniest act of kindness. And past it on to others and we will all live in a very harmonious environment with contentment with what we have.
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1 Jun 18
@NICKY_57 it is based on experince. Cause sometimes when you focus more on problems or money it can be very stressful. It can bring negative vibe and lousy attitude. Specially if you value money morethan family. It can be the root of evil wherein greed and dishonesty can take place and it can be the start of the gap and trust issues etc.
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• Tirupathi, India
1 Jun 18
Thank god finnaly you agreed with me...Thanks !!!
• Tirupathi, India
2 Jun 18
@Friendlypink Exactly !!!
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
1 Jun 18
Unfortunately you are staying in a state where money comes above every thing including the parents! I know this for sure that I have seen any of relatives living there are doing it! That is why I hate that state to live in though I hail from that state... with gvining any importance to money I am very well placed...even better than most of the relatives living there, by my hard work and have a strong bonds with my family! I got married with a Bengali girl and my daughter in law is a Bengali and we are all very happy today with what all we have! By the grace of almighty I have name , fame and required amenities to spend a good life! thanks!
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
2 Jun 18
@NICKY_57 , I too don't want to take this discussion further to my blood to burn! have a great day! Thanks!
• Tirupathi, India
2 Jun 18
We should not point out the state fo that,it's all depends on hardwork and courage.Any how you're in a good position now that's good to hear that's enough.Thank you !!!
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
1 Jun 18
Life is not always an either/or thing. There are many shades in between. For some reason, there are always zillions of such questions on writing sites.
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• Tirupathi, India
1 Jun 18
of course their are many shades.......
@Shiva49 (26383)
• Singapore
1 Jun 18
Better we have both. Why is it either or? siva
• Tirupathi, India
1 Jun 18
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
1 Jun 18
When you find an either/or question, you know that the member is still quite young without checking the age.
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@Shiva49 (26383)
• Singapore
2 Jun 18
@MALUSE Over time they will realize balance is what matters in life, and not exclusion - siva
@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
1 Jun 18
Hmmm... you need money still but of course relationships matter.
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• Tirupathi, India
1 Jun 18
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@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
1 Jun 18