Whether children also need to wear helmets?

@kalyani1 (183)
September 10, 2006 11:12am CST
Have your seen any children young guy or girl (age below 15 or 18) wearing helments while travelling in a two wheeller as a pillion rider. Is it fair to overlook their safety aspects
4 responses
@exodamus (1625)
• India
18 Oct 06
When it is compulsary for the pillion rider to wear helmets then even the children who sit there should wear them
@kalyani1 (183)
• India
19 Oct 06
I too want that, but in my country, I have not seen any children (pillion riders) wearing a helmet?, have u seen any pillion rider (children) wearing a helment?
@exodamus (1625)
• India
19 Oct 06
me neither
• United States
16 Oct 06
Children should wear helmets even if they are riding a bike.....I don't care if I see other kids without helmets because I'm not their parent...I mean if their parents let them ride around and do whatever then they are overlooking their kids safty and obviously they don't care until something happens.....
@kalyani1 (183)
• India
19 Oct 06
What is your view if your child (children) is a pillion rider
• United States
20 Oct 06
My opinion is the same...It's even more dangerous to ride on the back because the person riding on the back doesn't know what's going to happen next...The person driving has more control!
25 Sep 06
Anyone on the back of a bike needs to wear a helmet, they're the most vunerable people on the road after all.
• Canada
16 Oct 06
My father would NEVER allow my brother or I to ride without a helmet-if it came down to us only having one helmet between him and me or him and my brother, I'm sure he would have made us wear it. Anyway, he never took us anywear without us both wearing helmets, and he never took us on a highway that had a speed limit of over 50km/h. (Some people think my parents were a little paranoid when it came to their children, bur we're both still alive, we've never been in jail and I wasn't pregnant at 15 like most of my friends!)