Priority !!!

Tirupathi, India
June 2, 2018 7:09am CST
Who is your first priority in your life,to whom do you prefer most? Parents or life partners ?? or any others ??? And why do you prefer them most !!!
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6 responses
• Peoria, Arizona
2 Jun 18
My mom is my first priority over everything else.
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• Peoria, Arizona
4 Jun 18
@NICKY_57 That is how it should be when our mothers are the supportive type haha!
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• Tirupathi, India
2 Jun 18
Yah thats true every ones first priority goes to the mothers obviosly !!!!
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
2 Jun 18
Since I am single, family is my priority.
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• Tirupathi, India
2 Jun 18
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
3 Jun 18
@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
2 Jun 18
To achieve financial freedom so that we can have more time doing things together
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@josie_ (9982)
• Philippines
2 Jun 18
Myself. Because if I don't take care of myself how do I expect to take care of others?
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• Tirupathi, India
2 Jun 18
Well said !!!
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@sw8sincere (5204)
• Philippines
2 Jun 18
Of course my first priority is my parents.
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@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
2 Jun 18
My mom and my sister are my first priority in life.
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• Tirupathi, India
2 Jun 18
Great !!!
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