Do we need a recession?

July 9, 2018 5:26pm CST
Hello folks, given the hard economic times we are experiencing in the USA with interest on the rise and salaries remaining stagnant. What are your thoughts. Im strongly with the we need a recession to happen and reset our economy. Tell us how you feel now and before lets say 3-4 years ago...
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3 responses
@franxav (13717)
• India
9 Jul 18
I agree, a recession is a difficult time but it can rectify some things.
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@dya80dya (35542)
9 Jul 18
I don't want a recession.
• Spain
9 Jul 18
I strongly agree that we need one soon. we've had many and its part of the economical roller coaster. sure no one wants one but then again if we dont have one things will keep rising higher and higher...
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
11 Jul 18
If recession is a normal adjustment in an economy experiencing unprecedented growth and employment then I say bring it on. If not, no we don't need one.