Cars aren’t very Colorful these days.....

United States
July 25, 2018 8:07am CST
Have you noticed that most cars on the road and in the new car lots are all Black, Gray, Silver, White, one shade of Red, and one shade of Blue? I’ve been noticing this here around Pennsylvania USA for quite some time, and it’s driving me crazy. These days (it’s currently 2018 when I’m writing this) everything else is colorful. We buy colorful covers for our cell phones and tablets. People color their hair crazy colors. We love color! I wonder why they started to limit the colors of cars we can buy?
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7 responses
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
25 Jul 18
I remember my husband said it was better to have a colorful car and the worst was to have one gray, like the color of the road. He was only thinking about safety reasons and I agree.
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• United States
25 Jul 18
Yes, I was thinking about that. They’re so bland and it’s hard to see dull colors on a rainy day.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
26 Jul 18
Perhaps people don't want to get much attention because of colorful cars. And perhaps it can make you drive calmly?
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@FourWalls (64229)
• United States
25 Jul 18
I think that it's because very few people want a lime green or hot pink car, so the car companies limit the number of colors we can pick from.
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@dya80dya (35542)
25 Jul 18
In our country cars are colorful.They are green, red, yellow, blue.
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@Jessabuma (31700)
• Baguio, Philippines
25 Jul 18
Yes that's true.. some of the cars nowadays are not that colorful
@Sojourn (13838)
• India
25 Jul 18
Maybe it's manly..... dunno
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
25 Jul 18
That is very true, we also have similar cars in same shade of various colors like black, white, silver, red, green, yellow India. No mixed colors. Some people getting decorated them with various accessories and repainting them.