Pure or mix breed?

@aseretdd (13730)
July 30, 2018 9:08am CST
When it comes to adopting or choosing a dog... do you prefer a pure breed or mixed? I wanted to get a pure breed siberian husky but thinking they were expensive and high maintenance... i opted for the siberian husky mix belgian malinois... i don’t regret my decision because now Sans such a sunshine to the family...
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8 responses
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
30 Jul 18
I like German Shepherds because Misty, my first dog, was a German Shepherd.
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
30 Jul 18
I would like to have a german shepherd in the future... but i need to get a bigger backyard because i read that they need a lot of space and are quite playful...
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
30 Jul 18
@aseretdd They are.
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
3 Aug 18
I wanted to get a german shepherd but they are quite expensive...
@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
6 Aug 18
Pure breeds might be good because they are becoming more rarer these times. But of course there are several risk you have to consider since those pure breeds are adapted to their place of origin. So if you are getting one that is not similar to their environment you might get health issues with as they grow up. Additional vaccines might be needed so the dog can adapt to your climate.
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@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
6 Aug 18
@aseretdd Yeah they become sickly in our climate. I saw someone who bought industrial fan just for them to fan themselves when temperatures go up.
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
6 Aug 18
I really wanted to get a pure breed siberian husky... but i heard they don’t do well in hot climate... the best is one that is mixed with a different breed... so i ended with a siberian husky mix belgian malinois... got the best (and worst) of both worlds...
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• Valdosta, Georgia
30 Jul 18
I don't mind about being mixed or full. My dog now is an American Rottweiler and she's amazing! She's so sweet, loyal and great with all little ones. =)
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
30 Jul 18
I don’t see a lot rotweillers here...
@amadeo (111941)
• United States
30 Jul 18
Nice looking dog there.We got Ms.Ruby who is a shelter dog and very abused.Mike is doing a good job with her. She loves him.For me well do get my share.lol
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
4 Aug 18
Mixed breeds are better as they have less health issues @aseretdd . Unfortunately because of what breeders have done, a lot of pure breds have Cancer, Heart Disease as well as many other things.
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• India
30 Jul 18
He is so cute..
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
13 Aug 18
@aseretdd I had a lab-husky and would want either again or a golden retriever or lab retriever. I would not buy a dog. There are plenty of them around that need good homes.
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
30 Jul 18
Sans is very adorable
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