What will you do in a massive internet failure

@Basilo (649)
August 2, 2018 1:37pm CST
I usually find it difficult to stay away from my phone. Because i have internet all through i keep on checking my linked social platforms, do all my searches and most of my information and documents are remotely stored. So today i thought about this, what will i do if the entire planet was hit by some massive object from space and all internet cables got damaged? what will you do. Have you really invested on how to do things physically, not engaging your laptop or computer... If it is really sickening staying away from internet a minute, what about if it fails completely and you have to resort to the old ways..will it be really adaptable??
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5 responses
@Courage7 (19633)
• United States
2 Aug 18
I wouldnt panic at first but after a while it may be troublesome at least in my house. I can do without it but someone else is a total addict.
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@Basilo (649)
2 Aug 18
hehe, someone is a total addict to internet. Of course, internet addiction has been too much. i think it should happen for a week so we can adapt
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@Courage7 (19633)
• United States
2 Aug 18
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
5 Aug 18
Just like what i did when internet did not exist yet... read a book... watch tv... or do house chores.... i would miss the internet but i would be able to do a lot of important stuff if it disappeared...
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@Basilo (649)
7 Aug 18
yeah of course, we will just resort to our traditional habit
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
2 Aug 18
I came form the world before the internet and would happily go back.
@Basilo (649)
2 Aug 18
i like this friend, internet should not owe us anything, neither should we...
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@genpius (466)
• Nigeria
3 Aug 18
That will be an expensive joke on me, I leave my life on the net. It wouldn't be a funny experience if such happens.
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@Basilo (649)
7 Aug 18
heheh, actually this day if it has to happen maybe later...i owe internet and internet owes me hehe. This day could be such a gloomy day
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
2 Aug 18
It's hard nowadays to stay without internet..but I'm trying it reduce and stay away from mobile atleast weekly once
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@Basilo (649)
3 Aug 18
okay, yeah that is good. we should try to limit our time with internet