Would you stay or would you go?

@aseretdd (13730)
August 5, 2018 8:54am CST
There is no divorce in my country... so if the relationship of a married couple is no longer working... the only option is to stay together for the sake of the kids or separate for the sake of their own happiness... Would you stay in a loveless relationship... or leave and seek out someone else to love?
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9 responses
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
5 Aug 18
I'm sure it doesn't help you what other people think of such a relationship. How are your own feelings? Do you have children? If so, how old are they?
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
5 Aug 18
The kids are not in their teens... there is a stigma for separated couples... andcthe fear of growing old alone is loomingvat the back of the mind...
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
5 Aug 18
@aseretdd Have you got someone you trust with whom you can talk this through? Prepare the talk by making a list with all pro and con arguments.
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• United States
5 Aug 18
@aseretdd I guess the real question is how confident in your own independence are you? Many people with low self-esteem and who are lacking in independence tend to stay together. Simply because they don't have the skills or are unfamiliar with controlling their own life, or carry for self. It's not only a new chance of life for you but a better life for your children if you have children. Kids pick up on things and an unhealthy relationship only shows them how to have unhealthy relationships. So if you were to say, "I'm staying together for the kids" it's really a false statement. Couple's who part ways can have in some cases a more healthy relationship, which will benefit the children more. I don't know your situation. But just a few things to think about.
@ridingbet (66857)
• Philippines
6 Aug 18
i 'shooed away' the father of my son when my son was barely 6 months young. my son is now 26 years old. i have a photo of me and his father in my room. my son knows we are separated and it is okay with him. he knows i am his mother and father in one. i believe it is nice we separated because honestly, we do not jibe, if at all.
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• United States
5 Aug 18
i have left one.screw that.i got sick of coming home everyday to an verbally abusive guy after working 2 jobs and he had not a one.
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@sw8sincere (5204)
• Philippines
5 Aug 18
Staying in a wrong relationship is very toxic. .so i prefer to leave than to stay with the wrong person
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
5 Aug 18
I would do that too... but the kids are the priority...
@Berrygal (5834)
6 Aug 18
Please which country is this?
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
6 Aug 18
5 Aug 18
In case am.allowed to go with my kids then I'll prefer going out and seek someone better.
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@Hannihar (130228)
• Israel
5 Aug 18
@aseretdd That is really something no divorce. Thank heavens we have divorce here. I was in a loveless marriage and finally got a divorce after 6 years.
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@responsiveme (22926)
• India
26 Jan 19
You need to make your own decision on this. It is hard
@Courage7 (19633)
• United States
5 Aug 18
No I would not stay for any reason.