Advice to young ladies in relationships.

@a_jerobon (2304)
Eldoret, Kenya
August 14, 2018 4:57pm CST
Many young ladies this days are looking forward to meeting their Mr. Right. They search for him everywhere. I am also a young lady and I am in that situation of searching for my knight in shinning armor. I have learnt that I should never do that. I should only use the word search in google but not in love. Love will find its way to me when the right time comes. Instead of searching for love, as a young lady, you should use that time to build yourself. Build your moral standards, your academics, your spiritual life and your future. Be a queen who builds her kingdom while waiting for the King's arrival. Never rash into getting married nor getting pregnant. You should first settle down and ensure that you are financially stable, you have a career and a loving spouse. Never put all your dependence in a man. Be in a position to provide for your family even when he is not there to support you. Many divorces are occurring this days, you wouldn't want to be the one to cry in the streets because you have nowhere to go. Please ladies let us strive to be independent ladies and ladies of substance in the society.
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3 responses
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
15 Aug 18
that is quite good advice. I too am just waiting for Mr Right... in the meantime, i am enjoying life with my family and friends and finding ways to get closer to God
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• United States
14 Aug 18
Totally agree. Always have your own thing. Even if you do meet "Mr. Right", he can't be the be all and the end all. We're all human and flawed so even with the right one, don't expect it to always be a bed of roses!
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@Kandae11 (53900)
14 Aug 18
Many wait forever for Mr, right to arrive.
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