Last week was pretty bad for Cryptocurrencies

@amirev777 (4117)
September 12, 2018 3:02am CST
Last week proved to be really bad for all major cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin which plunged down again, erasing all the previous gains. These cryptos are really very volatile, which makes you really wary of investing in them.
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7 responses
@UmiNoor (4483)
• Malaysia
12 Sep 18
I have never understood crytocurrency therefore I have never dabbled in them.
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@amirev777 (4117)
• India
12 Sep 18
Yes, that was wise thing to do.
• Russian Federation
13 Sep 18
Why bad? It is a time to purchase, that's all
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@amirev777 (4117)
• India
14 Sep 18
Yes you're right. Only hope it doesn't plummet further. No one really knows where these cryptos are heading.
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• Russian Federation
14 Sep 18
@amirev777 According to one analyst, in 2020, BTC will be around 20 000$
@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
12 Sep 18
They never made sense to me.
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@May2k8 (18246)
• Indonesia
12 Sep 18
The security that is on cryptocurrency still has to be fixed.
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@theend (2777)
• Gifu, Japan
12 Sep 18
2018 is not good for this kind of money.
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• Philippines
12 Sep 18
,,,,thankful that i stopped using bitcoin... its really getting low...
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@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
12 Sep 18
I am not so familiar with this concern. I hope someone will answer back about your sentiment right now.
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