What animal or insect scares you the most?

lizard inside the pitcher!
@athaness (250)
September 13, 2018 4:45am CST
I am terrified of lizards! Do they sense my fear? Because they seem to scare and provoke me to fear. In the photo, I found a lizard inside the pitcher when I was about to pour water! Thank God I saw it first before drinking the water! They say it's herpetophobia -- fear of reptiles like lizards and snakes. My family doesn't understand such fear. My father finds it overacting. I am not a pet lover. I do not like dogs nor cats. But, lizards scare me the most. Am I the only one afraid of these harmless creatures? What animal scares you?
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13 responses
@nitirrbb7 (4317)
• India
15 Sep 18
Same as you lizards just don't scare me they make me feel sick
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@nitirrbb7 (4317)
• India
24 Sep 18
@athaness Really bad nightmare
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@athaness (250)
• Philippines
19 Sep 18
That's true! Nightmare!
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@mnglsp (3614)
• Philippines
13 Sep 18
Cockroaches. I am scared of cockroaches especially the flying one.
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@mnglsp (3614)
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
@athaness That's true!
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
Yes and they are so dirty
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
13 Sep 18
I'm afraid of spiders and flying cockroach
@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
@athaness But I want to be spiderman hmm
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
My cousin hates spiders too. :)
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@athaness (250)
• Philippines
19 Sep 18
@tech40 Well, that's the problem! Haha.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
13 Sep 18
I am so scared with them as well. but not much with snakes, I don't understand why i am so scared with it as well.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
15 Sep 18
@athaness I don't scream, though I never screamed, but I don't and can't move.
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
I'll to understand the reason but I really can't help but scream!
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
16 Sep 18
@Mavic123456 I see. :)
@rakski (112924)
• Philippines
13 Sep 18
I am afraid of big spiders and flying cockroach.
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@athaness (250)
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
It looks like many are afraid of spiders an cockroaches. Well, I don't like them too.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
13 Sep 18
I am scared of rats, snakes, alligators/crocodiles, sharks, and flying cockroaches.
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
@athaness true that.
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@athaness (250)
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
Well, these are really scary because they are dangerous.
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@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
13 Sep 18
They don't sense your fear. In fact they are more afraid of you than you are of them.
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
That's what my mom always tell me :)
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@ria1606roy (2797)
• Kolkata, India
13 Sep 18
Snake and wild animals, I guess. My sister is very scared of lizards too. But pets we both love and adore so much.
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
I see. Thanks for sharing!
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
13 Sep 18
Hahah one of my friend also fears lizard.
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
I'm so scared of it. You won't imagine my scream.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
14 Sep 18
@athaness hehehe alright.
@ilocosboy (45157)
• Philippines
13 Sep 18
Snakes, I feel like going to die when they bite me, eww the venom.
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
Well, snakes are really poisonous!
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
13 Sep 18
I am also very scared of lizards.
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
Really? I can't explain the feeling when I see them
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
14 Sep 18
@athaness yes I hate them.
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• Russian Federation
13 Sep 18
Cockroaches... cannot stand them, I will never enter anybody's house if they are there
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
My sister hates cockroaches too!
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@Baloo4 (8)
13 Sep 18
@athaness (250)
• Philippines
14 Sep 18
Well snakes are really frightening!