I'm on a diet to GAIN weight !

@august18 (3907)
September 24, 2018 5:50pm CST
Has this ever happened to you ? You make up your mind to go on a diet to lose weight, then find yourself eating more than usual ? Does this happen to everybody or is it just me ? Because the only thing I'm losing here is my mind
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8 responses
@Ladanger (14581)
• United States
24 Sep 18
I wanted to gain weight but now u gained a little to much and now I am trying to go down. I weigh 140 and now jeans won't fit lol i just want to go down like 10 pounds atleast.
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@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
25 Sep 18
Same here. I was 48 p and wanted to be 55 p to look older. Now I regret it.
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@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
26 Sep 18
@Ladanger I'll keep my fingers crossed.
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@Ladanger (14581)
• United States
26 Sep 18
@august18 you can always lose it
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@Jury3991 (32)
• Israel
27 Sep 18
From the title.. I thought this was a subject about how to gain weight!! Because I absolutely need one...
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@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
27 Sep 18
All my life, I always wanted to gain some weight to look my age. Now, all I ever ask for is to lose those extra pounds.
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@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
26 Sep 18
Oh I thought you want to gain weight, but I guess it happens to many who are trying to diet but ends up eating more. I think there is a self control problem somewhere. I think you need not only commit to the diet but stick on it as well with no excuses every time the urge or eat more comes around.
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@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
26 Sep 18
I guess all I really luck is a good will.
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
25 Sep 18
I say I diet, but I really don't. I exercise more.
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@DianneN (247202)
• United States
25 Sep 18
@august18 That's my point. Lol!
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@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
25 Sep 18
I don't exercise. If I only had the time to exercise, I wouldn't worry about my diet.
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@ridingbet (66857)
• Philippines
27 Sep 18
i believe reducing the carbohydrates intake and adding more protein is a way of gaining weight by dieting. i gained weight up to 56 kilograms but i think i have lost weight now, but i have more muscles and lesser fats.
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@ridingbet (66857)
• Philippines
28 Sep 18
@august18 really? may i ask what your BMI is?
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@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
28 Sep 18
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@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
27 Sep 18
I only gained 5 kilograms in the span of 5 years. Now I want to lose them.
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@Janet357 (75651)
26 Sep 18
Omg, i tried it and i got soooo hungry i devoured so much food after that.
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@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
26 Sep 18
That's what a diet is all about. Dare to take the challenge !
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@Janet357 (75651)
26 Sep 18
@august18 im not fat. I went on a diet because i just wanted to cleanse my system so i ate fruits for two meals, but on the third meal gosh i felt as if i hadnt eaten for years.
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@KristenH (33367)
• Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
24 Sep 18
Join the club. I just have to eat more since I'm so active. We can do this.
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@august18 (3907)
• Tunisia
24 Sep 18
Oh. I'm in !
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• Bekasi, Indonesia
22 Dec 18
yes, and I always do a different diet