I am trying to become a vegetarian again

@amirev777 (4117)
September 29, 2018 2:40pm CST
All my ancestors were vegetarians. I started eating non-veg food when I joined sea life as a Junior Marine Engineer. I eat only fish and seafood, which I do savour and on few occasions chicken. I have never eaten red meat. I am not sure egg classifies as non-veg or veg. I am trying to be vegetarian again. What are the pros and cons of veg and non-veg food, according to you?
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5 responses
@FayeHazel (40244)
• United States
3 Oct 18
You've never, ever, ever eaten red meat? Hm, I think there are different types of vegetarian - some eat eggs and dairy product, others don't. My guess is that since you are relying on plants for food, your system would be more alkaline
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• Philippines
30 Sep 18
Cool. I have just thought about this before I read your post. I wanted to become a vegetarian because hypertension and diabetes run in the family.
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@Courage7 (19633)
• United States
29 Sep 18
I hope this will be very healthy for you. I do not eat much meat, but I do eat meat. I have tried my best to go vegetarian but for my own health and some financial I cannot. I only the con for me is that I have no energy at all when I do not eat meat.
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@frenki (1693)
• Serbia
29 Sep 18
That's goof. Good luck. I think its good but here people eat a lot of meat, its hard to do it when almost every meal home is non-veg
@amirev777 (4117)
• India
30 Sep 18
@frenky, what's goof? I said I am trying to be total vegetarian.
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@frenki (1693)
• Serbia
30 Sep 18
@amirev777 Good* . Yes I know what you said.
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@Jury3991 (32)
• Israel
29 Sep 18
I don't believe in vegetarians life, I think it might harm the body, but this is just my opinion.
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
29 Sep 18
Where did you get this idea from? Why should not eating meat harm the body?