Creating controversy.. a good idea?

United States
October 9, 2018 8:16pm CST
After a while of pitching these sweet and pleasant stories out to the news... I feel as though I need to make a switch at some point. While you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar, there is a part of everyone that craves the savory. This realization has led me to believe that it is imperative that I find a way to create controversy.. though my kind and loving nature makes it difficult to figure out how. I am not the type to do this at the expense of another person.. at least.. not if they don't deserve it. But i need something that the news stations will feel a stronger urgency towards. If you've read my last discussion.. you will find that there are 2 TV news stations that have been ignoring me and neglecting to reply... perhaps I could somehow use this ignorance to my advantage. Perhaps i could express my dissatisfaction with them to another news station.. or that could be slanderous.... hmm... I have the feeling that a good idea is up for grabs.. but my mind is too cloudy to figure it out and decide how I could use the power of controversy ... or more-so.. what the headline could be. Creative thinkers... I ask for your thoughts.. I'm feeling so agitated in my inability to come up with the perfect plot.. what are your thoughts?
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5 responses
@JustBhem (70555)
• Davao, Philippines
10 Oct 18
Maybe my Mother can teach you for she knows how to spread rumors.
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@a_jerobon (2304)
• Eldoret, Kenya
10 Oct 18
Can't help you here, I am not so creative when it comes to creating controversies.
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@sabtraversa (13401)
• Italy
29 Nov 18
No wonder I almost never watch TV and rely on the internet. Time to contact big influencers and YouTubers and send 'samples'. Charity videos are very popular in the web, too. I don't know what the TV situation is like there. I mean, what they usually broadcast. "TV news stations don't let a charitable visionary artist tell his story". I lack creativity as well. Well, I just thought it would be better to name the 'culprit' first so it draws more attention.
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23 May 19
Yeah, they say controversy sells, but it's really not my cup of tea..
12 Oct 18