Thoughts on Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 1 (Spoilers)

@garysibi (702)
Chicago, Illinois
October 12, 2018 6:06pm CST
Since it aired last Sunday both in the UK and in America, I assume other places as well, I figured most people who were going to watch it have already done so. I put a spoilers warning up anyway. This is the first episode to feature Jodie Whitaker as the Doctor, the first time a woman has played the role. That already made it controversial because it seemed that it was only given to a woman to be politically correct. They had already had one of their characters change sexes - the Master/Missy - and they did a lousy job of it. Sadly, that turned out to be a secondary issue. The first was that the writing was awful. The story was not interesting in the least. Also, there were some huge inconsistencies. In previous episodes it was stated that the Tardis did the translating. However the Tardis was not even on Earth in this episode yet the Doctor could converse with an alien creature she had never seen previously. When the Doctor realizes she has no sonic screwdriver, she makes what she calls a sonic Swiss army knife out of some old spoons. This is akin to an alchemist turning lead into gold. Then she declares that only idiots carry knives. Lots of people carry knives. They are a very useful tool. My last big gripe concerns the character Ryan. He's a young man who can't ride a bike because he has a problem affecting his balance. Yet his grandmother insists that he keep trying. So where do they take him to practice? At the top of a cliff. I get the feeling that Granny doesn't much like Ryan and wants him dead. It wasn't all bad. One of the new companions is a middle-aged man who has cancer but it's in remission. It will be interesting to see if they do anything with that.
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3 responses
@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
13 Oct 18
In the UK you can be arrested for carrying a knife in public, so it really is only idiots who do so. As for the bike riding, my thought was that trying to learn on a grassy slope was not so clever - as opposed to tarmac - but at least you don't hurt yourself so badly when you fall off.
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@garysibi (702)
• Chicago, Illinois
13 Oct 18
I thought it was only in London that knives were illegal. It's illegal everywhere? That just doesn't make sense to me. Especially something like a Swiss Army knife. That's a tool, not a weapon.
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@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
14 Oct 18
@garysibi We don't have laws that only apply in the capital city - apart from local bylaws of course. The basic rule is that it is illegal to carry a knife in public without good reason, unless it has a folding blade with a cutting edge 3 inches long or less - so the Swiss Army knife should be OK.
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@garysibi (702)
• Chicago, Illinois
15 Oct 18
@indexer I thought it was London's mayor who mandated it. Who decides if your reason is good enough. In the past few weeks there have been several murders within one mile of my house. Somehow I doubt that the mayor of London would consider self-defense a good enough reason. I, on the other hand, would find it quite adequate.
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@pgntwo (22408)
• Derry, Northern Ireland
14 Oct 18
This evening's (2nd) episode eventually reunites Doctor and Tardis, and ends, for once, without the mandatory cliffhanger...
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@pgntwo (22408)
• Derry, Northern Ireland
15 Oct 18
@garysibi It's on BBC TV here, funded by the TV licence we each pay - so 46mins of joy *without* commercial breaks in every episode.
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@garysibi (702)
• Chicago, Illinois
15 Oct 18
It's just airing now over here. I DVR it and watch it later so I can skip over the commercials.
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• Millen, Georgia
15 Oct 18
I adore Doctor Who! I was a bit wary when I learned that the lastest regeneration was going to be female...only because we've always had a male and I'm a firm believer of the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mindset. Never the less, I turned in to watch the first episode and I have to agree with everything said! I know it just a pipe dream but, I really wish they would bring back David or Matt!