Stoked for the World Series

@stanws (126)
Stoughton, Massachusetts
October 23, 2018 6:41am CST
Okay, I admit it. I'm caught up in October baseball. And, yeah. That my home team is contending - AND HOSTING! - the first game might just have something to do with it! One of my coworkers gave me a little perspective last night when he told me he has a pair of tickets to tonight's game - at $600 a pop! Dayumm! Home team or not, I could not lay down that kind of cash for one night out! But I hope he gets his money's worth and catches one hell of a win. I! ;)
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1 response
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
23 Oct 18
I will be tuned into the series. The Dodgers are our team!
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@stanws (126)
• Stoughton, Massachusetts
23 Oct 18
Well, let's hope for a good game, a couple deep hits, maybe a 100mph fastball or 2, no fights, AND NO RAIN!! :)
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