Stuck in the basement!

@stanws (126)
Stoughton, Massachusetts
October 24, 2018 6:22pm CST
Okay, I'm not *really* stuck. I'm just doing laundry. Why not put the load in and come back up to civilization, you ask? 'Cause my lazy butt lives on the 3rd floor! Down three flights, put wash in, up 3, wait, down 3 again, transfer to dryer, up, wait, down, get clothes, and up a 3rd time? Oh, contrare, mo frare! So I miss the first few to several innings! I'll Google the score in the mean time! ;) And...I can do some myLotting!
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2 responses
@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
25 Oct 18
You are right not to keep going up. It was alright when many moons ago my mom and I did laundry in the basement because there was an elevator.
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
25 Oct 18
I'd stay in the basement and finish the laundry if I live in the 3rd floor as well. All that climbing up the stairs will tire this body.
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