Money alone won't give us real happiness

October 27, 2018 2:23am CST
For me having money is good, I mean great! Because you can treat your loved ones and have a fun time with your family and go to a nice vacation trip with them and eat good food and provide them their needs. You gotta have a purpose with your money, I am not saying that money is evil. It's just that we should not allow it to be the center of our lives. We should not be a slave to money, we should not let it lead us. We should be the leader of our money. We can also make it work for us through investments. Have a happy life! Happy mylotting!
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7 responses
@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
27 Oct 18
Money can definitely get some comfort. it can't necessarily bring a lot of happiness but it can bring comfort and stability. I know we could probably use a little more right about now. Just for some necessities. But such is life. Unfortunately it doesn't grow on trees.
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• Philippines
27 Oct 18
yup I totally agree with you that's why we should strive to have abundance of money so that we won't worry much and also we must control our spending even if we already have plenty of supply of cash. Most common mistakes the middle class do is blow their money on things they don't really need when their salary increases or when they get their bonuses. That's why they are still working until now, because if you do not know how to handle money, you'll be working for the rest of your life for someone else. For these kinds of people, more earnings will just result to more spending. So they blow their money and nothing is left to them until their next paycheck.
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@dodo19 (47237)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
27 Oct 18
@BigMoney25 I totally agree. We all should be careful with how much we spend. Obviously it's okay to spend and splurge a little from time to time, but it's really good to save for a rainy day.
@Janet357 (75651)
27 Oct 18
You are right otherwise there would be no famous rich people who have taken their lives.
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• Philippines
27 Oct 18
yup totally! money isn't always there to solve our problems. Some problems or causes of depressions are just too complicated to be solved by money. Some people focus on the wrong things and lose themselves in the process, they should make money a part of their lives and use it as a tool but don't be a salve to the money.
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@Janet357 (75651)
27 Oct 18
@BigMoney25 correct. Well said.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
27 Oct 18
I agree but life is easier and more fun with money lol! You are right we should not be a slave to it.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
27 Oct 18
yeeees! life is waaaaaaay better with money like 100x lol just kidding. we just all have to remember that the more money we make the more we should help the less fortunate because we will never know, we could be enjoying our food eating 3 times a day and wasting some of them while people on the streets are struggling just to have something to eat once a day or so I mean it breaks my heart to know some people are struggling like that. When I am hungry I think it is very hard to hold it I have to eat right away but people on the streets struggling to live just want to have a bread or a few pesos for food so it breaks my heart that's why I share a lot of my money most of the time.
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@aureliah (24316)
• Kenya
27 Oct 18
You have said it very well. Money should be a source of happiness and not evil
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• Philippines
27 Oct 18
It all boils down to how we use our money, we should be using them in good things and helping the less fortunate and also enjoy from time to time. The more money we make and the more we share our money, the more we attract good luck and prosperity which equals to more blessings for all of us. That's how it works!
@vivospidy (240)
• Lucknow, India
27 Oct 18
We need someone to spend with ... like family and friends.
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• Philippines
27 Oct 18
I totally agree with you! Family and friends are also some of the reasons why I wanna make more money, so I can share it with them and bless them with the things that they need as well as share happiness and abundance with them.
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@dave121495 (1296)
• Philippines
28 Oct 18
I agree, as I always say we need money but we don't love money.
@Courage7 (19633)
• United States
27 Oct 18
I beg to differ on this at the alone would save my life thanks