I just wrote this.

@stanws (126)
Stoughton, Massachusetts
October 29, 2018 8:28pm CST
Haunted The howl echoes in the valley this cold October night. A shiver shoots through your shriveled spine. A foul stench flows through the alley. It bespeaks your sober fright. You quiver as the dark beholds a mournful whine. Your skin tingles with terror that pours from head to toe. A spikey burn seers through your every cell. Do you succumb? You scream "No! Never!" You abhor this devil's show and the likely horror you have entered Hell. What crime have you committed to deserve this awful fate? A gloomy countenance fills your very soul. And 'though you don't admit it, you're becoming filled with hate. This doom about you takes a heavy toll. By and by, you give up fighting, even as your body flails. Your mind and spirit grow solemn and forlorn. "Why oh why does relief spite me?!" you inquire between wails. Your crime, you fool, was ever being born! A mean and vicious bully - this evil condemnation. You steel yourself to muddle through this day. Your very name, this rogue does sully and you seek vindication. You feel a mighty rage and then you say: "Your days of rule are over, you weak and phony thing! I now rise up and claim my rightful space. You may no longer own me! I speak now, and this I bring: 'BOO! Be gone! This is MY time and place!'"
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2 responses
• Dallas, Texas
30 Oct 18
How very appropriate for Howl-O-Weeen.
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@simplfred (20641)
• Philippines
30 Oct 18
Good stuff here. Very timely for the Holloween season. You've executed it very well.
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