Depression and survival skills

November 2, 2018 4:31am CST
I'm going to start honest here: I have no idea what I am doing so bare with me. I'm here hoping for two things - earning money and finding great people to chat with. I'm a newly single mom of 5 year old (not 100% sure about that, because my husband is still debating on his own whether to abandon me or not), trying to build a safety net from scratch, while being highly depressed and doing my absolute best to take care of my son. Because everything took me by surprise, and because I had no time to mourn nor any option but to keep on going, I chose to make my first appointment to the psychiatrist. Now I'm taking antidepressants and anxiety pills in order to function as I'm searching other ways to move on as well. So now that you have the context, I'll suggest the topic: how do you move on when a personal tragedy seem to have taken away your future? How do you find strength to keep on living? What mechanisms do you have to push yourself forward. I am taking pills, doing my best to exercise as much as I can but still ain't able to focus on anything but pain. So, to be sure I will not lose my mind, I engage in any activity anyone is offering to me. How about you? What kind of great survivor are you?
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6 responses
@Pixilove (89)
• South Africa
2 Nov 18
I'm sorry you are going through this. I don't have any real advise other than taking each days challenges as they come. Find support where you can. The people here are so helpful and supporting.
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• Romania
2 Nov 18
Thank you, Sue. That’s what I am trying to do: take one step at a time. But it don’t always work. Sometimes I defocus, see the big picture, the loneliness, the betrayal, and I get scared. But I suppose it’s normal.
• South Africa
2 Nov 18
@Leesandra it is completely normal. You have been hurt. My parents got divorced when I was really young and seeing my mom go through all that pain was so hard. She raised me on her own without any support. I pray that you won't have to go through that. Just remember we as woman are hard as nails.
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• Romania
2 Nov 18
@Pixilove I was trying to send you a *heart*, but I see it’s a no emoticons allowed policy. My parents got divorced too, but I was old enough (14). (Aaand this is my tendency to minimize pain). Yes I was older, but it was still very hard.
@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
2 Nov 18
Welcome to myLot! I can only imagine your pain and struggle that you're in at this time. The road of life sometimes has some big mountains that we must climb. I hope you will find what you need to endure and overcome these challenges that have come your way. If I was in your shoes I would start with prayer.
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@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
2 Nov 18
@Leesandra I think you will find myLot helpful. How did you learn to speak and write and think in English?
• Romania
2 Nov 18
@1hopefulman mainly by watching movies and listening to music :), but I’m pretty muff in english.
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• Romania
2 Nov 18
Thank you so dearly! It is uncommon for me to receive so much warmth and support from strangers. Actually, I wasn’t expecting anything good after I posted my first message. Guess I’m a pessimist :). Many, many great people on this forum.
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@rsa101 (37987)
• Philippines
3 Nov 18
I think be with people that loves and truly cares for you. I think that is what could also help you go over with what you have right now.
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@cindiowens (5120)
• North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
2 Nov 18
Nothing can "change your future". Things happen that take you on new roads you didn't know you were going to go on though. There are many turns and bumps along the way, but try to keep a positive attitude. State of mind plays a big role in how things work out for you. YOU ARE AWESOME! Believe in yourself. Stay positive. Talk only about positive things, and it will make you feel better. (Of course once in a while, you do need to vent to get the negative feelings out.) As for making money here, don't count on it to pay the bills. As for making friends here, There are lots of great people on MyLot. Get to know them and they will seem like family. Welcome.
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• Romania
2 Nov 18
Another piece of my heart flying towards you! Thank you, Cynthia!
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@FayeHazel (40246)
• United States
5 Nov 18
Sorry that life has been rough lately. When things get tough for me I like to think that "Sometimes there is no way around things, just through", and "this is only temporary". I agree - exercise will help you, but it will probably be the last thing you feel like doing. Exercise classes or maybe, if it appeals to you, dance classes are a great way to get exercise and meet others. Don't be down on yourself for feeling down. It's normal after big life change. My mom is my inspiration... she's been through more and continues going through more than I can imagine and she's a hero
@Icydoll (36717)
• India
3 Nov 18
Welcome to mylot
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