Proudly South Africa

@Johnboy1 (304)
South Africa
September 11, 2006 8:37am CST
How many people from SA on this site. what do the others know or think about South Africa.
7 responses
• India
17 Dec 06
i am from india . ya i think its a good and great country . i like south africa and i heard this is a very beautiful country .
18 Sep 06
hi i am from south africa. i lived here all my live, i am 22 years old, but i have to say south africa will always be a wonderful country, but everyday it gets harder and harder for me to find good things to talk about that happens here. everywhere you look its just all sorts of terrible crimes, wright up to the goverment.
@19670104 (84)
• South Africa
11 Sep 06
Yip I'm also from SA, want to go overseas now... Switzerland or even New Zealand....
@aubry1 (267)
• United States
11 Sep 06
I'm not from there but I would love to go someday. I love the art from Africa. Especially the tribal masks. There are so many different kinds and take great talent to make. I am slowly but surely learning as much as I can. My children are of african desent and I would like to take them there one day to learn where the ancestors came from. Could you tell me if the movie Hotel Ruwanda is a good representation of what has happened down there? Does this still happen between the tribes? Best Wishes :)
• India
11 Sep 06
I am not ssouthafrican. All i know about South africa is that it is a hot place and well know Nelson Mandela and also south african cricket team.
@maya123 (74)
• South Africa
11 Sep 06
Love my country...
@amiksinha (1960)
• India
11 Sep 06
not much,, the only thing i know is its a hot place with full of forest.. but would like to know more.. if u know about it