The 5 words of your future

United States
February 22, 2019 1:46am CST
I was recently asked to come up with five words that express what I wanted to do and where I want to be in five years. The five words I came up with were: -Healthy -Fit -Wealthy -Successful -Spiritual Next I had to put those five words in paragraph to make my point clear. And I wrote: To be successful, this basically means I want to be the absolute best at any and all task. As for wealthy I want to be in a position where I have the financial freedom to truly live and have a few luxuries in life. I want to be fit in body and mind without limitations. I want to be healthy and eliminate all of the bad eating habits that cause me to feel insecure and run down. I want a spirtuality that goes beyond anything I have ever known. I just wanted to share this and hope that everyone would eloborate on their own words!
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3 responses
@fluffy69 (4956)
22 Feb 19
You are right. But im ok with healthy and wealthy:)
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@Missmwngi (12915)
• Nairobi, Kenya
22 Feb 19
Waooh thats a great way to plan for tomorrow. I will surely and seriously come up with mine. I need it
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@redurnet (1799)
• United Kingdom
22 Feb 19
Healthy; Friendly; Curious; Active; Fulfilled It's difficult to think of where I'll be in five years time. It seems like you never know what's around the corner - but I still hope I will be all of the above things.
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