Is there a Chance?

@ckyera (17331)
March 2, 2019 8:17am CST
Hello dear mylotters! Here it is, I met someone who I think is in a very awkward, difficult situation. She and her husband is not in good terms, they are living under the same roof but different rooms, they are not talking to each other for almost 8 or 9 years but again still living in the same house doing their responsibilities as parent to their children... I think they are actually good parents as I observed them. Now, I'm thinking if there's a chance for my friend and her husband to be in good terms again, and it also puzzles me how they are able to live in the same house without talking to each other or like living as if the other one does not exist and why or what keep them to stay. You think there's still hope for them?
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4 responses
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
2 Mar 19
Since neither of them have moved out there may be a chance if they sought counselling. I find it hard to believe they could parent together in the same house of they don't talk to each other. The children would pick up on the tension between them.
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
2 Mar 19
Their children are all grown ups, all boys. As I can see them ,I feel like they already accepted their situation. I am hoping that they will do something to help their parents to be in good terms again. I believe that they are the only one who can help their parents...just need that spark for them to start talking to each other again.
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@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
6 Mar 19
@ckyera It is sad that thing went that way for them. It must be difficult to live that way
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
6 Mar 19
@Happy2BeMe really difficult. even if she told us that she's fine and she already moved on, I feel and I can see it in her eyes that deep inside her, she's still struggling... I really hope and pray that things will be better for them.
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Mar 19
I think nothing is impossible with God and prayers. I am sure the children realize things are not good with the parents, how sad. =(
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
2 Mar 19
Yes nothing is impossible with God and prayers as long as they are both alive. I know she keeps on praying but she also do not make any move to at least break the ice between them, well the husband don't do anything as well. Maybe pride is taking over them. So sad. Their children are all boys at the right age, they very well know the situation but I don't understand why they are not doing anything to help their parents to be okay again. I feel like they just accepted the situation as long as both parent do their responsibilities to them. ??
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
2 Mar 19
i agree with you, with prayers nothing is impossible.
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
2 Mar 19
They are not talking to each other... for almost 8 or 9 years?
@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
3 Mar 19
I can't live like that so I don't know... Maybe, hopefully they'll find it in their hearts to become friendly at least. It's not healthy to live like that specially for the kids.
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
3 Mar 19
@MGjhaud yes yes , me too I can't imagine muself living like that. So stressful I guess. That's also my wish for them while its not too late. And also they are already old, its not good not only to their children but to their granddaughter too...
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
2 Mar 19
yes, you read it right...according to the wife whenever she's still in their house, the husband just stay in his room. They are living like that for the past years...
@Janet357 (75651)
2 Mar 19
There is i bet. They just have to work on it.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
2 Mar 19
Yes, that is only when one of them will do the move and forget about pride for once...