Can't blame the Dog

@ckyera (17331)
March 2, 2019 10:15pm CST
Good day everyone! ?? Yesterday, I brought my dogs out, for them to do their business and to play. I do it everyday so that they don't get bored in the house and for them to have an exercise. Now, while they are playing, running around, this girl came (she's someone we know but not really a friend ??, lol!) She starts calling my dogs name and start chasing them because she wants to lift and pet one of them., but my dogs don't want to, I can sense that from their action. I told the girl to stop because the dogs are still playing and having fun I guess. But she didn't listen. She continue to chase them and when one of my dog stops, she came near and attempt to get him, but too bad, my dog got iritated and as a result she got a scratch on her hand from my dogs teeth... o well I can't say that he bite her but as I witness, she pull her hands fast which result to the wound. My dog is such a gentle one, very kind and friendly, but she pushed him to its limit that's why she got wounded. I can't blame my dog for what happen, but should I worry about the girl? My dog is complete with his vaccines .
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2 responses
@nela13 (55930)
• Portugal
3 Mar 19
I think you don't need to worry about It, You have told her many times.
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
3 Mar 19
Thank you, I feel better now with regards to that incident. Now she learned her lesson.
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@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
3 Mar 19
I would say no worries. She was clearly at fault and she should not be calling your dogs. You should try to emphasize that otherwise there could be trouble later on.
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
3 Mar 19
Yes, and I think she's aware of that, actually instead of pitying her, I feel irritated and forgive me but I feel like she deserve what she got... ??
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