A Sad Day For Paris

@Masihi (4413)
April 15, 2019 4:53pm CST
Hi guys I'm not sure if anyone has heard yet but the Notre Dame caught fire earlier this afternoon my time (I'm in the Atlantic Time Zone) I was watching a live broadcast about it, firefighters are still trying to contain the flames as I type this. This is really sad and the church itself is over 800 years old. Really heartbreaking. I love history and it is awful when a significant part of history gets destroyed. Hubby has some French blood in him, and he's gone to church now to offer up prayers for Paris, I'm home with the baby. I'm sorry if this post seems disjointed it just ... wow, I have no words to say how I really feel and all. It's just unreal.
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3 responses
@debjani1 (7203)
16 Apr 19
That's so sad. All the religious places like temple, church, masjid etc caught fire its really painful. These are the places where we worshipped the Lord. As the church is 800 years old so its impossible to believe that it has caught fire. Are the fire fighters succeed in their mission?
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
16 Apr 19
I hope they did succeed. I haven't heard anything more except that it was under construction and the fire started after the work crew went home for the day and that there will be an investigation. I will post as soon as I can find more in my news app. I watched a bit of the live broadcast last evening but had to put down my smartphone so that i can get back to work (we are packing to move at the end of the month).
@Courtlynn (67032)
• United States
15 Apr 19
I heard about it, because it came on the tv when my soap was supposed to. It's sad to have seen it on fire and break.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
16 Apr 19
I hope they were able to save the towers
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
15 Apr 19
It is stunning what has happened.
@Masihi (4413)
• Canada
16 Apr 19
I was really shaken last night when I first posted. I absolutely hate it when history gets destroyed and can honestly feel the pain of what they are going through.
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