First Freya, now Alec?

By Jen
@polyxena (2628)
Sturgis, Michigan
July 1, 2019 2:25am CST
Our family may have grew by one again. My husband was walking home form work last night when he was followed, by a little hungry soul. My husband knocked on the door so I could unlock it and let him in, he says to me, "Someone followed me home." My mind's immediately thinking it was my step daughter or a child. Nope, a small orange tabby cat rushed in the door. I've posted in every local garage sail group on Facebook that I could and hand local friends share that I found him, but making sure that the owners provide proof that he's their's before giving him back. Still no word on his old owners. The animal control is going to be by tomorrow to check for a microchip. If he doesn't have a chip. My husband has said that he's too attached to want to get rid of the little guy, so he'll be a part of our family. Freya is pretending that she owns the place (because you know she's a diva and demands center stage). Monkey on the other hand could care less that there's a new cat here, he's set in his ways. Tomorrow we also plan on buying another litter pan so that Freya can stay the bedroom with me until Alec and her can get along. We went through the same odd naming process for him. We changed his name like 3 times before we settled on Alec. First, it was Bastet, but Bastet in mythology was a girl so it didn't fit. Then we tried Constantine. Both the name was too long and it was tough to spell. The hubby ended up settling with Alec. Like Alec Holland (Swamp Thing). Alec is busy chilling with his rescuer while Freya hides under the bed. But wow, this is the second cat that entered our home and refuses to leave. Is it luck or is it the chicken my husband was carring home from work yesterday? The world may never know ;).
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5 responses
@Nakitakona (56300)
• Philippines
1 Jul 19
It's you save and adopt Alec. He's in a safe hands now. Thanks.
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@polyxena (2628)
• Sturgis, Michigan
1 Jul 19
He's real safe hands. Freya actually said him a few minutes ago
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@Nakitakona (56300)
• Philippines
1 Jul 19
@polyxena Alec now had a good companion.
@sophie09 (34243)
• Indonesia
1 Jul 19
Thanks for sharing your story
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@BelleStarr (61046)
• United States
1 Jul 19
lol I'm betting on the chicken.
@polyxena (2628)
• Sturgis, Michigan
1 Jul 19
Yeah, it's what I think too. But either way he's here until we find his owners or possibly forever.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
1 Jul 19
The chicken is a likely explanation. :-)
@polyxena (2628)
• Sturgis, Michigan
1 Jul 19
More than likely. He's asked me for chicken twice already
@ChengGe (49)
1 Jul 19
i like cats, but i don't like them to wake me up at midnight......especially when i was preparing for my "The national entrance examination for postgraduate" :(
@polyxena (2628)
• Sturgis, Michigan
1 Jul 19
I love cats, Freya wakes me up every morning telling me she's hungry (when she's not to really hungry).
1 Jul 19
@polyxena hah~cats are so cute~