My ex sister-in-law is a real piece of work

@sissy15 (12269)
United States
August 12, 2019 6:40am CST
My ex Sister-in-law is in trouble again. My brother has three kids with her and for the longest time, they had shared custody. A few years ago she got hooked on drugs not that she was ever the best person to begin with. When my oldest niece was a baby she left her with my brother and took off with some guy and my brother took her back. They had two more daughters and then my brother finally had enough and left and that's when she really went off her hinges. Before that she'd spend my brother's money to go out partying. She'd spend the bill money he gave her on everything but the bills and because of her they lost a few places to live and were in huge debt. He finally got smart and left her and got his finances back in order. He shared custody of the girls with her for the longest time despite hating sending them with her because she has always been a crappy mother. It was always what she wanted over what they needed. Finally, her family called CPS on not only her but my brother. When they were separated my brother let her and her son from her last marriage stay with him for a bit until she could get on her feet but of course she used him as long as she could before he made her get out. Anyway, her family thought they'd be taken from my brother too but the CPS soon found that my brother was the stable one. She eventually moved out and moved into a house her dealer owned and rented. My brother was forced to send them until CPS finally told her she couldn't see them unsupervised anymore. My brother got full custody when she didn't show up for court regarding the case. She has missed court several times. She was using right before the previous case and that was when they told her she had to have supervised visits. Before that they were still planning to give the girls back to her despite all of the claims against her. She had been having hallucinations and taking the girls to the doctor and giving them medications they didn't need. It was actually really scary. She has nothing to do with any of her kids most of the time only when it's convenient for her. She has stolen money from her last several jobs and even stole the money from her kids fundraiser and then tried to get the stuff people ordered without paying. The school which is also the same school my son goes to and I'm on the PTO for pressed charges. She has several charges from various businesses from her stealing from them all places she had worked at. The one job she had was at a dental office where she had actually used family members insurance to get prescription drugs she sold and used she got fired but got out of the charges because she was an addict. She always seems to get out of everything. That time when they came to arrest her she used the girls and not having anyone to take them so they told her to come in later and she took the girls with her to the police station with her. My dad knows she stole money from him but can't prove it. She steals from everyone and then acts like nothing happened. My mom was watching her son who doesn't belong to my brother and she was supposed to pay her and never did but then acts like everything is fine. After everything she has done, she has no problem talking to people like nothing ever happened. She has had so many charges brought up against her and still has yet to really pay for any of them. She can't see her kids unsupervised but that doesn't bother her. She lost custody of all of them and their fathers are raising them and again it doesn't bother her because now she can completely do what she wants and only see them when she wants to. She actually got worse the older she has gotten it has always been about her and what she wants. Most people grow up as they get older but not her. She actually told her family that she only uses cocaine now and not heroin so she's doing better. She can't comprehend that all drugs are bad and both cocaine and heroin are horrible. If she wasn't already a horrible person before the drugs I'd feel for her more but this is typical behavior it's just worse. She wasn't using when she was with my brother and she was still a horrible mother and wife and now it has only gotten worse with the drugs. I worry for my nieces. They love their mother but they already know how she is and know they can't depend on her for anything. They used to defend her but now they've gotten to the point where they just know how she is. I used to worry when she had shared custody that they'd go home and find her dead. Now my brother has them most of the time so it's not as big of a fear but I still worry about what it will do to them. My brother's current girlfriend does a lot for them and I'm glad they have that. I'm sad that they had to move but I'm glad they're getting a more stable home since my brother is a truck driver and is gone most of the day. He is home nights and weekends but is gone for most of the day. I miss seeing my nieces every day but I'm glad they're in an environment where they can thrive.
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2 responses
@Hannihar (130238)
• Israel
12 Aug 19
@sissy15 Sorry for not reading all of it. She sounds like a piece of work. What I read I got the gist of what she is like.
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@sissy15 (12269)
• United States
12 Aug 19
It's ok it was long but she is a real piece of work. I really hope she doesn't get out of it like she does everything else. She can't run forever eventually something has to catch up with her. I just don't know when. Being an addict they always go lenient on her which is the opposite of what she needs.
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@Hannihar (130238)
• Israel
12 Aug 19
@sissy15 So did your brother get custody? She is not fit to be a mother. She sounds horrible and unfit.
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@sissy15 (12269)
• United States
12 Aug 19
@Hannihar He has had custody for the past year or two. She isn't fit to be a mother. She still sees them but not often. It's hard for them but they're better off. I know they miss their brother since he is with his dad but their life is better now.
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@JLHolley (128)
• Visalia, California
8 Jan 20
Tell your brother to go to the court house and establish parental rights alot of people do not know about that
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@sissy15 (12269)
• United States
10 Jan 20
He already has all of the rights he doesn't even have to allow them to go with her. It took him forever to get full custody and limit her ability to see them but he has it all now. She rarely even comes around when she is allowed so it's not really an issue anymore. She's too busy getting high to care if she sees them or not. She doesn't care what it does to her kids knowing that they come last in her life.