Telemarketers and other scam artists

@savak03 (6684)
United States
August 20, 2019 7:30pm CST
I get about twenty calls a day from telemarketers. They call from different numbers and locals but they all start off the same way. I've just recently started blocking the numbers and that slows it down a little for a while. Then they start with text messages. My area code doesn't actually reflect where I live because when I moved to another state I didn't change my number. And since I don't know anyone in that area that would be calling me I can at least ignore those calls. Of course the ones that come from out of the country are ignorable too since I have never been out of my own country. Still it is anoing to hear the phone start ringing at all hours of the day. The newest thing that has started happening is I've been getting notifications on my phone that I've received a payment. The lastest one said it was from mylot. But since I wasn't expecting a payment from mylot I figured it was another scam. Sure enough when I clicked on it it came up with the same old spiel about how I had won something. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only target for this kind of thing so anyone who wants to share their experience feel free to join in.
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6 responses
@Deepizzaguy (98044)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
21 Aug 19
In this home there are many telemarketers that are trying to sell me health insurance. Even though I have pushed the button to be placed on the "Do not call" which falls on deaf ears.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
23 Aug 19
Sometimes I think that do not call list is just another way for them to get our contact information. I do go through my texts periodically and reply stop to those that offer that option. That seems to work for those. I've also gone through newsletters that I had shown interest in and unsubscribed from them. However I think it's a shame that we can't show any interest in any subject without being put on somebody's list and made subject to unsolicited calls all day long.
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@Deepizzaguy (98044)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
24 Aug 19
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• China
21 Aug 19
I got many cold calls too.Normally I add the numbers I am not familiar with to the blacklist on my smartphone.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
23 Aug 19
Lately I've started blocking the numbers and then erasing them from the phone. That slows them down for a few days but then they start up again. I can't understand how these companies can afford to pay the fees for the thousands of numbers they apparently own.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
24 Aug 19
@changjiangzhibin89 Any companies that you do business with or any offers you give your information to like surveys or offers of free stuff and even when you research stuff you are genuinely interested in or sign up for news letters compile lists of the information that has been provided and sell these lists to anyone who professes to be a marketing company. Next time you are looking at some offer online read all the fine print, especially the privacy issue. You will see it's true. And it's not limited to online companies. How many loyalty cards do you carry to help you save money on groceries or gas ect. These also sell your contact info.
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• China
24 Aug 19
@savak03 I wonder how they got those telephone numbers.
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@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
21 Aug 19
Where have you been? I guess you've been too busy answering the phone to visit us here. Nice to see you again.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
23 Aug 19
I've been pouting about my life and how it's going downhill. Lately all I do is watch TV but I'm getting tired of that and have come to realize the only way I can get any control back is to take it myself. I hope I can keep up this momentum. I think of my friends here frequently. Keep bugging me maybe that will help me stay motivated until I can rebuild the habit.
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@May2k8 (18246)
• Indonesia
23 Aug 19
I often get unknown numbers, and I just let it ring, but if they send me a message, I'll look first.
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• Philippines
21 Aug 19
That's a lot of scam you've been getting and how the heck did they know you have a mylot account
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
23 Aug 19
That's the one that really threw me for a loop. Maybe mylot is selling their list to these people like other companies we do business with. But if they are not they may want to look into it because this company is making claims using mylots logo.
@florelway (23218)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
24 Aug 19
I worked as a telemarketer more than 20 years ago, it was a tough job but pay is good. The company is legitimate, selling a vacation concept of Timesharing. Scams might come in when these telemarketers would resort to illegal means just to lure clients to their schemes.
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@savak03 (6684)
• United States
24 Aug 19
I do not doubt that telemarketing started out as a legitimate service to make some people aware of opportunities they would normally never have heard of. The problem is the industry has been taken over by shysters that will bend or break any rule to get the financial information of people in order to exploit it. The sad part is it's the old and poor that are most often cheated out of money they can I'll afford to lose.
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@florelway (23218)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
25 Aug 19
@savak03 you are right.
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