Boxes and Stuff

@Ithink (9980)
United States
September 5, 2019 1:59pm CST
So today still dragging some but a little better. Talked to hubby about it and he said he drags at work at certain times of the day. Im wondering if we both are just still getting used to the change of hours. I thought that he at least would be used to it. He went from late 2nd to Early 1st shift for now. Not permanent though it would be nice. I have gone from getting up at 9:00 am to getting up at 7:00 am now and it is kicking my butt. I just cant seem to be tired enough to go to bed super early. Even the day we went to the fair all day with the family, exhausted I still didnt go til about 12:30 AM. Listening in on her class, well Math, the things they teach still drives me nuts as it is stuff most dont use their whole lives. But whatever. She is turning her 2nd assignment in for one class today Im hoping the scanner/printer works right. So onto the boxes and stuff. I keep telling hubby I need more boxes so I can sort, giveaway and yard sale stuff but he keeps forgetting to look. Maybe today he will remember. After work he has to get blood work done first so we will see. His Liver enzymes were high when he got tested before giving Plasma 3 times in a row. I think I figured out what caused it so he has stopped doing the energy drinks and taking so many pain killers for his back and feet. I have been giving him Milk Thistle and such so in a few days we will know if I was right. Well that is about my day in a nutshell.
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3 responses
@digiguru (557)
• Bangalore, India
5 Sep 19
Hope everything will be ok soon..
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@Ithink (9980)
• United States
10 Sep 19
Thank you Im sure it will be, been time reading and researching his health problems.
@Happy2BeMe (99371)
• Canada
5 Sep 19
The pain killers will definitely affect his liver. Hopefully his liver enzymes will lower now that he has made those changes. My enzymes were up too on my last blood work and the doctor said it was probably caused by my cholestral meds because I was on such a high dosage since my heart attack and surgery. She cut the dosage in half and I have to have more blood work done next month to see it the numbers go down.
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@Ithink (9980)
• United States
10 Sep 19
That is what I told him about the pain killers and the energy shots before. Finally listened. Found out he has a fatty liver too. So spent all day reading and researching that. Kinda upset as they had him sign up to a Health site and it gives you test results. Found this out about the liver reading the old results from 2 years ago. They never said a thing. Those tests where taken when they thought he had a heart attack at work. They still arent sure on that one too but leaning to no but have no answers. So I research and study. Hope your numbers go down and all is good.
@kasmakarim (1933)
• Indonesia
6 Sep 19
Hope everything will be fine for you
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@Ithink (9980)
• United States
10 Sep 19
Thank you, Im sure it will work itself out.